Tag: Parish assembly

Slingsby Annual Parish Assembly 13 May 2024

Monday 13 May 2024, 7.30pm, Slingsby Village Hall

The Annual Parish Assembly is your chance to hear what the Parish Council (and this year a range of other parish groups) have been doing on behalf of our community.

Please don’t miss the opportunity to express your views and help shape what goes on in your community. The Parish Council cannot represent your views without your input.

The agenda for the Parish ASSEMBLY is HERE

The Parish Assembly will be preceded by the Parish Council meeting at 6.30pm (possibly in the Committee room). Residents are also welcome to attend this meeting.

The agenda for the meeting of the Parish COUNCIL is HERE

Slingsby Annual Parish Assembly 22 May

Monday 22nd May 2023, 7.30pm, preceded by Parish Council meeting at 6.30pm

We encourage all parish residents to attend this important annual assembly. There will be plenty of ground to cover, including news of the Sports Club’s bid, Ryedale’s merging into the new North Yorkshire Council, and the latest from Castle Howard. Your views are important to the Parish Council and will help shape what happens in our community.

The full agenda can be downloaded here:


The Parish Assembly will be preceded by a Parish Council meeting at 6.30pm. Agenda here: https://www.slingsbyvillage.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Slingsby-PC-Agenda.22.05.23.pdf

Parish Assembly and Council Minutes

We have received from the Parish Clerk the minutes of the Annual Parish Council (which will be of particular interest to Fryton residents) and the minutes of the lively Parish Assembly, which of course will be of interest to everyone!

Please note these are DRAFTS which we are publishing without delay, mainly because of the widespread interest in Castle Howard’s proposed sites. There is a good record of the Q&A session.

These documents, along with some financial/governance docs arising from the Parish Council meeting, can be found here: https://slingsbyvillage.co.uk/parish-council-and-community

Proposed Development Sites in Slingsby – your simple guide to the consultation process

This post tries to clarify the consultation process and, further below, suggests how you can submit comments.

This whole issue has kicked off this month because Ryedale District Council has to review its Local Plan, a major part of which is to see if new sites for housing need to be identified, to supplement those which are already in the Plan (e.g. the Balk/Aspen Way site).

This year the Review has quite a short timetable because of the Local Government Reform taking place in 2023. (Ryedale, along with other District Councils, will be superseded by the new North Yorkshire unitary authority in April 2023).

Only if a site were to be adopted into the Plan (which we believe would happen later in the summer at the earliest) would it then be possible for Castle Howard to submit a planning application, which would again give rise to further consultation.

While a few people might feel they only need comment when a planning application is actually submitted, others might take the view that the adoption of any site in the Local Plan is the thin end of the wedge and the principle of the development has been established.

Those who attended the lively Parish Assembly on Monday 23 May will have heard Councillor Simon Thackray mention that he and Councillor Steve Mason (also present) were members of a local plan group which was to meet on Tuesday 24 May to have a look at the proposed sites. They naturally wanted to represent residents’ views. Some of you may even have rushed to get in your comments in advance of that meeting.  But there is still plenty of time.

The Village website has heard from planning officers at Ryedale DC that;

  • Members (i.e. Councillors) were not even starting to make any decisions at that meeting.
  • Site submissions were just being presented to Members.
  • Officers would be presenting Members with comments made on the full range of site submissions later in the summer.
  • As yet, no deadline for comments has been set.

However, a planning officer has now advised that “consideration of sites has begun and we would recommend making comments sooner rather than later as they will inform officer assessments”.

We understand that further information (for instance, supporting documents) about all the 300 sites across Ryedale that have been submitted will be published on their website in due course, and anyone would be welcome to make additional comments after this if they would like to.

So, still wondering how to comment or struggling with the online form?

We published in our post “Review of the Ryedale Plan” on 18 May a link which will take you to this slightly difficult online form asking many tick-box questions, but allowing you also to send a supplementary email. Although the Council would prefer you to use the online form (to make assessment quicker), we have established that you can, if you wish, simply send an email to [email protected] with your views. It will be acknowledged and recorded. Remember to state the site numbers you are commenting on, and your name and address.

For further information visit: https://www.ryedale.gov.uk/information/planning/future-planning/

Brief report of Parish Assembly and Development sites proposed by Castle Howard

No one had seen the Village Hall as packed as it was for the Parish Assembly on Monday 23 May 2022.  It was standing room only for late-comers.

You had to feel sorry for Parish Council Chair Fiona Farnell, for scarcely anyone was there to hear her annual report or about the four Parish Council vacancies. Everyone wanted to find out what Castle Howard were thinking of for the sports field and Castle area (plus the three proposed sites to the south of the village).

Publication in previous days of the four sites proposed by Castle Howard for adoption in the Ryedale Local Plan had given rise to much concern among residents.

It was good to see that Nick Howard had taken the time to come along to introduce and place in context the situation facing Castle Howard and explain the nature of this early consultation. Estate Chief Executive Jasper Hasell gave a full presentation on the overall vision for a sustainable future and then talked about the development sites, particularly the site which included the sports field. We also learned that the Castle Farm and Heights Farm site might go forward fairly soon to a planning application (the website understands that development here would be considered infill and therefore the site did not need prior adoption into the Ryedale Local Plan).

A lively question and answer session followed. Many concerns were raised. These came from residents young and old, from Ryedale Councillor Simon Thackray (who was there with his fellow Councillor Steve Mason), Slingsby School’s Head Teacher, and the Sports Club Chairman, among others. Castle Howard said protection of the sports field (as an integral part of the development) was their aim and it was suggested from the floor that it might be gifted to the community (as the Village Hall site had been donated, back in 1931).

In concluding, Jasper Hasell admitted that the evening had seemed like a bit of a roasting (it was always civil – Ed) but he was grateful for the expression of residents’ views.

A quick straw poll after the event seemed to suggest that a good deal more would have to be done to allay residents’ concerns.

The Slingsby Village website will bring you more on this story as the process continues.

Previous posts:

Review of the Ryedale Plan and the proposed sites

Castle Howard’s development proposals for sports field

Castle Howard Vision Document