Parish Council and Community

[This page contains meeting dates/minutes/policy docs/Parish Councillors and Clerk details/Finance & Governance docs]


Parish Council meetings are normally held every two months, and are open to residents, who may ask questions.
2024 SCHEDULE – Village Hall Committee Room – 7pm, unless otherwise stated)
15 January 2024, 11 March, 13 May, incl PARISH ASSEMBLY, 22 July 2024.


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< 2024 >

Slingsby Annual Parish ASSEMBLY Minutes 13.05.2024

Slingsby Parish Council Minutes 13.05.2024

Slingsby Parish Council Minutes 11.03.2024

Slingsby Extraordinary Planning Minutes 20.02.2024

Slingsby Parish Council Minutes 15.01.2024

< 2023 >

Slingsby Parish Council Minutes 20.11.2023

Slingsby Parish Council Minutes 25.09.2023

Slingsby Parish Council Minutes 31.07.2023

Slingsby ANNUAL PARISH ASSEMBLY Minutes 22.05.2023

Slingsby (Annual) Parish Council Minutes 22.05.2023

Slingsby Parish Council Minutes 27.03.2023

Slingsby Parish Council Minutes 30.01.2023

< 2022 >

Slingsby Parish Council Minutes 28.11.2022

Slingsby Parish Council Minutes 26.09.2022

Slingsby Parish Council Minutes 11.07.2022

Slingsby ANNUAL PARISH ASSEMBLY 23.05.2022

Slingsby Annual Parish Council Minutes 23.05.2022

Slingsby Parish Council Minutes 21.03.2022

Slingsby Parish Council Minutes 17.01.2022

< 2021 >

Slingsby Parish Council Minutes 15.11.2021

Slingsby Parish Council Minutes 20.09.2021

Slingsby Annual Parish ASSEMBLY Minutes 12.07.2021

Slingsby Parish Council Minutes 12.07.2021

Slingsby Annual Parish Council Minutes 10.05.21

Slingsby Parish Council Minutes 22.03.21

Slingsby Parish Council Minutes 25.01.21

More archived minutes from previous Parish Council meetings (2010-2020) can be found HERE


Freedom of Information

Risk Assessment

Cemetery regulations


Employers’ Liability certificate 2017

Financial Regulations

Standing Orders

PC Complaints Procedure

PC Equality and Diversity Policy


Fiona Farnell (re-elected as Chair May 2024), Beech Tree Farm, South Holme, Slingsby, York YO62 4AB. Tel. 01653 628285; 07523 044447.

David Wells (elected Vice Chair May 2024). Brook House, Railway Street, Slingsby, York, YO62 4AN. Tel. 07951 019966

David Bairstow. 21 Balksyde, Slingsby, York, Y062 4AG. Tel. 07787 758814

Gawen Dickenson. South Barn, Fryton, Tel. 01653 628774.

Andrew Farnell. Beech Tree Farm, South Holme, Slingsby, York YO62 4AB. Tel. 01653 628285.

Rachel Hogarth. Byways, The Green, Slingsby, York, YO62 4AA. Tel. 07979 614253.

Andrew Wilson. Brickyard Farm, Slingsby, York, YO62 4AY. Tel. 01653 628475; 07711 610765.

[Contact details as at May 2022 for our District councillors, County Councillors and Member of Parliament can be found HERE]


Mrs Gail Cook, Angel House, Middle Street, Swinton, Malton, YO17 6SR Tel. 01653 693898. Email: [email protected]


Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023-2024

Councillors’ Register of Financial and other interests:

Fiona FarnellG DickinsonMargaret ShepherdPeter Snowball

Financial information ARCHIVE


Parishes are the smallest areas of civil administration in England and their Town and Parish Councils provide the statutory tier of local government closest to the people.

The Parish Council is elected every four years. In North Yorkshire there are three tiers of local government – the County Council, District/Borough Councils and Town/Parish Councils.

Slingsby, South Holme and Fryton Parish Council is an essential part of the structure of local democracy and has a vital role in acting on behalf of the community.

The Parish Council:

  • gives views, on behalf of the community, on planning applications and other proposals that affect the parish
  • undertakes small projects and schemes that benefit local residents
  • works in partnership with other bodies to achieve benefits for the parish
  • alerts relevant authorities to problems that arise or work that needs to be undertaken
  • helps the other tiers of local government keep in touch with their local communities

The Parish Council also oversees the Slingsby Poors’ Land Charity. A link can be found on the Charity Commission Website. Charity 234269

The Clerk to the Council is also the Clerk to the Slingsby Poors’ Land Charity and the Trustees are Cllr Wilson, Cllr Shepherd and Mrs Snowball. The Parish Council appoints the trustees to this charity.

The Parish Clerk is also Clerk to Slingsby Burial Board for burials in Green Dyke Lane Cemetery. The Cemetery Regulations can be found HERE.

Find more on the ROLE AND FUNCTIONS of the Parish Council HERE.

For a BREAKDOWN OF RESPONSIBILITIES between County Council, Ryedale District Council and Parish Council, click HERE.