Tag: Play area

Success in funding for new Play Area, Slingsby Sports Club

Slingsby Sports Club is delighted to announce that Ryedale Council have finally awarded us the remaining Section 106 funding relating to Cavendish Court, meaning that we are just £5,000 short of the sum needed to start work on the new play area on the site of the former Bowls Club. So…with one more grant application submitted, this time to the National Lottery Awards for All scheme, we have our fingers crossed that we will be successful and hope to start work in mid-late June with our fantastic partner, Matthew Day of Streetscape who kindly mended the swings for us recently on the existing play area. 
The new play area will have swings and a new basket swing, a flying saucer, a couple of multi-play units, seesaws and springers. It will be safely tucked away from traffic entering the Sports Field and hopefully encourage families to come and support Sports Club activities and stay longer to use the Club and tennis courts. The current play equipment will be available until the new area is ready.
Thank you to everyone who has indicated a willingness to help with further fundraising and maintenance of the play area. We hope to organise a couple of stalls at upcoming car boot sales, and to have a presence at the Slingsby Duck Race again. BUT we do need more support, including help with future maintenance and planning to create a zip-wire, adult fitness equipment etc. 

Please contact Geoff Bishop [email protected], Kate Giles [email protected] or Geoff Brooks [email protected] if you’d like to be added to our working group.