Tag: Parish Council

Slingsby Annual Parish Assembly 13 May 2024

Monday 13 May 2024, 7.30pm, Slingsby Village Hall

The Annual Parish Assembly is your chance to hear what the Parish Council (and this year a range of other parish groups) have been doing on behalf of our community.

Please don’t miss the opportunity to express your views and help shape what goes on in your community. The Parish Council cannot represent your views without your input.

The agenda for the Parish ASSEMBLY is HERE

The Parish Assembly will be preceded by the Parish Council meeting at 6.30pm (possibly in the Committee room). Residents are also welcome to attend this meeting.

The agenda for the meeting of the Parish COUNCIL is HERE

Parish Council Extraordinary Planning Meeting 20 Feb

An Extraordinary Planning Meeting of the Parish Council is due to be held on Tuesday 20th February, 7pm at Slingsby Village Hall. 

The meeting is to consider an application for planning permission referred to the Parish Council by North Yorkshire Council, namely APPLICATION NO: 23/00348/MFUL for the erection of 13 houses on the smaller (eastern) field south of Aspen Way.

The applicant and agent are expected to attend.


Details of APPLICATION NO: 23/00348/MFUL here on NYC website.

Parish Council Meeting 20 November

Monday 20th November 2023, 7pm, Slingsby Village Hall Committee Room

A regular meeting of our Parish Council, which residents are welcome to attend.

As well as the more usual items, the Council will be approving the new Precept, considering purchasing permanent Community Speed Watch in Operation signs for Malton Road, while Cllr David Wells will talk on how the parish can influence positive development in the future.

The full agenda is here.
