Tag: All Saints

Harmonia Singers in Concert in Slingsby 24 Sep

Saturday 24th September at 7.30pm

All Saints Church Slingsby



Ticket £5

Includes a glass of wine and canapés

Please contact
Chrysa 07779 333489
Anita 07935 830476
Diane 07557 850383
Liz 07841 417007

All proceeds contribute to our church major improvements project.

Christmas Tree Festival, All Saints’ Church, Slingsby

The display of illuminated and decorated Christmas trees continues throughout the Christmas period, all thanks to a dedicated few members of the congregation.

The photo above does not do it justice. So please do feel free to come and see them lit up, all day every day. Please wear a mask. (There are masks and hand sanitiser available.) Donations gratefully received in aid of the fabric fund, for the proposed kitchen, toilet and new heating system.

Forthcoming events at All Saints’:

Christmas Eve Crib service, 4pm All Saints – probably similar to last year’s magical churchyard service, with plenty of room around the wall and a PA system to boost the sound!

First communion of Christmas, 8pm All Saints – please wear a mask (or we can provide one).

Christmas events in church and chapel – COVID updates

All Saint’s Church in Slingsby| Photo by Steve Allen

As Christmas approaches, we are keeping a close eye on the news and are keen to ensure we continue to keep everyone in Slingsby safe and well. We very much hope that the following events will go ahead, but are making a few changes to arrangements that we hope will still encourage people to come along and celebrate the season together safely. 

Thursday 16th December from 6pm Carol Singing – will go ahead as planned, ending outside at The Grapes. 

Saturday 18th December 4.30pm Terrington Choir concert, All Saints – please wear a mask (or we can provide one). Christmas songs, Raffle and refreshments. 

Sunday 19th December 4pm United Carol Service, Chapel – will now be a shorter service on The Green amidst the wonderful lights. 

Christmas Eve Crib service, 4pm All Saints – we will probably repeat last year’s magical churchyard service, with plenty of room around the wall and a PA system to boost the sound!

First communion of Christmas, 8pm All Saints – please wear a mask (or we can provide one).

From this weekend and throughout the Christmas period, we will have our wonderful Christmas Tree Festival open every day to the community in All Saints. Do please feel free to come and see them lit up, all day every day. We have masks and hand sanitiser available. Donations gratefully received in aid of our fabric fund, for the proposed kitchen, toilet and new heating system.

Kate Giles, on behalf of church and chapel.