Slingsby Website and Newsletter Group

Star Trail in Slingsby - Photo by Steve Allen
Star Trail in Slingsby – Photo by Steve Allen

Who are we?                          

The Slingsby Website and Newsletter Group originally came together as a group of volunteers in October 2010, in response to community demand. Slingsby residents had expressed the wish (later set forth in the Parish Plan of 2010) that the Parish should have its own community website and newsletter. We were gently sucked into the resulting vacuum! The Group was founded by Jon Boots, Keith Buck, George Dudzinski and Richard Flint.

The Newsletter (subsequently named “The Triangle”) was first issued in December 2010 and the website was launched online on 1st March 2011.

Following our 2022 AGM (held on 18 January 2023) the Group’s Committee consists of:

  • Jon Boots, (Website editor, Chairman/Secretary)
  • Gill Baker (Triangle co-editor) 
  • Jo Breckon (Advertising and distribution manager)
  • Maurag Carmichael (Treasurer)
  • Richard Flint (Webmaster)
  • David Thornley (Triangle co-editor)
  • Ryan Perry (website assistant editor)

What do we do?

We create, maintain, update and manage the website and produce (six times a year) the associated newsletter (“The Triangle”). Our aim is to serve the parish and encourage community activity. We provide a wealth of information about our community, news and events, clubs and societies, history, businesses. We also offer guidance and tourism information for visitors and any interested parties.

We welcome new website content contributions, so if you have something you’d like to see published on the website, send it into the team. Would you like to join the website team and help run the village website? If so then we’d love to hear from you.


We are constituted as a non-profit-making, unincorporated association. Details of our aims and objectives and how we run our affairs are set out in our Constitution, which was approved at our first AGM in October 2011 [AGM 2011 Annex E] listed with the other PDF documents below.

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Annual General Meetings

Next AGM – May 2024 (tbc) owing to change of financial year end.

2022 AGM Minutes and Reports (held on 18 January 2023)

AGM 2022 SWaNG Minutes

AGM 2022 Chairman’s Report

AGM 2022 Financial Report

AGM 2022 Triangle Annual Report

AGM 2022 Distribution and Advertising update

AGM 2022 Webmaster Report

2021 AGM Minutes and Reports (deferred to February 2022)

AGM 2021 SWaNG Minutes

AGM 2021 Chairman’s Report

AGM 2021 Financial Report

AGM 2021 Triangle Annual Report

AGM 2021 Distribution and Advertising update

AGM 2021 Webmaster Report

The Slingsby Website and Newsletter Group AGM Minutes and Reports archive for the years 2011-2020 can be found HERE

Our Constitution, which was approved at our first AGM in October 2011 [AGM 2011 Annex E]

Constitution of Website Newsletter Group 18Oct2011

Website Privacy Policy

The Slingsby Village website’s privacy policy can be viewed HERE

Website Comment and Moderation Guidelines

The Slingsby Village website welcomes visitor comments and feedback on the items posted, the website and its content.

Our comment guidelines can be found HERE

Join the Team

The existence of the Slingsby Village website depends on the dedication of a very small number of people. Recently two of our small team left the village, so we really need some extra help to ensure that we can continue to promote Slingsby and all its activities and events.

It’s great if you contribute your news, events and perhaps articles, but why not help as well with uploading text and images to the website? Help us keep the website fresh and up-to-the-minute. 

The website uses the WordPress content management system which is very easy to use. If you email, use online banking or pay bills online, then you already have many of the skills required!

To find out more, contact the website at [email protected] or go to our Get Involved page.

Former members of the group

Dave Wilmore (Website’s news editor 2017-2020)

Sarah Bowley (Treasurer 2018-2019)

Jo Bradley (Triangle co-editor 2017-2018)

Rachel Thacker (website team and design support 2018)

Keith Buck (Triangle editor, Advertising and distribution manager, 2010-2017)

Carol (Treasurer 2011 – 2017).

Stephen Mackinder (website news editor 2015-2017)

Naomi (Triangle co-editor 2015 – 2017)

George Dudzinski (Deputy website editor 2010-2016)

Rachel Underwood (website team 2012 – 2013).

Geoff Brooks (2010-2011) continues as a regular contributor of “Geoff’s walks“).