Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth: Slingsby village plans for this weekend

It seems only a moment ago that Slingsby came together for a joyous weekend to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. Now, we invite you to join together again over the course of the next few days to mourn her passing and give thanks for her life of service and faithfulness to the nation and the commonwealth.

Sunday 18th September 6pm Service of Prayer and Reflection, All Saints church

Do join us for this short reflective service, which will finish in good time for people to return home or join neighbourhood or communal plans to observe a minute’s silence at 8pm

Monday 19th September from 10.30am, Slingsby Sports & Social Club

The club will open from 10.30am to allow anyone who would like to watch the funeral from 11am to gather together and watch on the big screen. Tea and coffee will also be available. 

The church bells will be tolled from 10am onwards. If anyone can help with a 5 minute stint (no training required) please sign the rota at the back of church. 

A book of condolence, prayers and candles is at the back of Slingsby church, where it will be open all week, until the end of next Tuesday, when the official period of mourning ends. 

Thank you,

Slingsby Church and Slingsby Sports & Social Club