Garage Sale, Hovingham 5 Feb

Monica Gripaios is having a garage sale on Saturday 5th February from 10-1pm at Oldfields Cottage, Brookside, Hovingham (the same time as Hovingham market).
She is raising money for the Refugee Council in memory of her mother who passed away last year. This was a charity her mother, a refugee from Nazi Germany, supported herself.
There will be a wide range of interesting things at bargain prices.

Oldfields Cottage is across the beck from the Hovingham Bakery and Spa Tearoom, and is the house just before the stone bridge.

Any queries to Monica on 01653 628647.

Website and Newsletter Group AGM 2 Feb

The Annual General Meeting of the Slingsby Website and Newsletter Group will be held on Wednesday 2nd February, most probably at 7.30pm (this time to be confirmed). We expect this to be an online meeting held by Zoom, since not all our Group members are able to be in Slingsby.

Residents who read the Triangle or follow the village website are welcome to attend.

We’ll be reporting on a second rather challenging pandemic year and electing the members of our committee.

You will have the opportunity to give us your feedback and ideas, and help us as we begin to look forward to a new era with a new website team.

If you wish to join our AGM, please email [email protected] in advance and I will then provide more information and the necessary link.

Jon Boots Chairman/Secretary

Music Charity Supports Slingsby School

Pupils from one of the Foundation’s partner schools

A charity set up in memory of the late composer and educator, Dr Richard Shephard, has been bringing music classes to primary school children across Yorkshire since September and it has recently launched its fifth partnership – with our very own Slingsby Community Primary School.

The Richard Shephard Music Foundation, which was established following the death of Richard Shephard in February, aims to help more children experience music in classrooms, and at events, across the region.

Over the last forty years, music education has declined dramatically in primary schools across the country. Now the Foundation is subsidising curriculum-based music lessons in primary schools, working with the education partner, Sing Education.

In addition, the Foundation has partnered with the prestigious Ryedale Festival to offer young people the chance to perform and attend events featuring professional musicians such as the Foundation’s patron, pianist Isata Kanneh-Mason.

You can find full information about the Foundation’s work HERE. Or go to the website where you can make a donation.

The late Dr Richard Shephard

Website and Newsletter Group seeks Treasurer

Photograph by David Critchley

The Slingsby Website and Newsletter Group is currently in search of a Treasurer.

No specialist knowledge is required, although a familiarity with spreadsheets such as Excel would be helpful. An early applicant will receive a full handover and may be offered training if required.

The Treasurer maintains a record of payments and receipts, arranges payment of bills and invoices, provides the Group with quarterly updates on the financial position, and prepares the End of Year accounts for the Group.

The system we use is well-embedded, has been improved by our outgoing treasurer, so it should be straightforward to slot into the role. There is no requirement to attend meetings although you will be most welcome to join the team when we begin to meet again.

If you would be prepared to carry out this task, or know someone who might be interested, we would be very grateful if you could get in touch by email to [email protected] or by ringing Jon on 01653 628396.

The job will not take up much of your time but it is important since you will be helping to ensure that the Slingsby Website and Newsletter Group continues to provide our community with the village website and the Triangle newsletter.

Mobile Post Office Update

There will be no Mobile Post Office in Slingsby on Thursday 13th January or Friday 14th January 2022 due to routine maintenance on the vehicle. For more information please visit the Mobile PO page.