Ryedale Festival 2022 Launch Concert 2April

Carducci Quartet

Saturday 2nd April 2022, 7.30pm, St Peter’s Church, Langton Road, Norton.

The Ryedale Festival launches the full programme for its July Festival with this enticing Spring programme from the award-winning Carducci Quartet. Hear quartets by Haydn, Beethoven and Fanny Mendelssohn. Plus American composer Caroline Shaw’s technicolour dreamscape “Entr’acte”, inspired by Haydn’s world of classical balance and charm.

It’s also your chance to be the first to receive the full Summer programme brochure, distributed free at the end of the concert.

Tickets from £15. For full details and to book, go to https://www.ryedalefestival.com

Historic pubs – Slingsby Local History Group Talk

Saturday 19th March at 10.30 am, Slingsby Village Hall.

Christine Pietrowski will give an illustrated talk on Historic pubs.

The Royal Oak; The Red Lion; The Cross Keys……
Have you ever wondered how our pubs got their colourful and interesting names?  This lighthearted talk looks at the origin of pub names and the stories behind some of our local hostelries.

All welcome – entry £3 including coffee.

Slingsby Parish Council meets 21 March 2022

Monday 21 March, 7pm, Slingsby Village Hall Committee Room

This is a regular meeting of our Parish Council. Residents are welcome to attend.

The Agenda is shown below.

[If viewed on Facebook or Twitter you may need to go through to the village website.]

The minutes of the last meeting (17 Jan 2022) can be found on the village website’s Parish Council and Community page.

Hovingham Repair Cafe/Community Hub Saturday19March

Saturday 19 March, 10am – noon, Hovingham Village Hall.

The popular Repair Cafe returns, its purpose to reduce unnecessary waste and consumption, bringing items back to life by repairing and up cycling, sharing skills and tips. It’s free and run 100% by community volunteers. Some of the repairers live in Slingsby.  As well as repairing items, we’ll be focussing on ‘grow your own’ in the Community Hub.

Queries about the Repair Cafe? – Kim Colenso, 01653 628324  [email protected]

Repair Café Hovingham Facebook page @repaircafehovingham

More on Hovingham’s Project Purple on their website:  https://www.project-purple.org.uk


We have been advised that the mobile post office van will NOT be in Slingsby for two weeks from Monday 21 March. It is scheduled to return Monday 4 April.

We do not know the reason for this interruption to the service, and have no information as to how van visits to nearby villages may be affected.