Defibrillator at Slingsby Caravan Club site (plus fish and chips!)

We hear from Paul and Caroline, who manage the Caravan and Camping Club site at the north end of Railway Street, that they have a defibrillator for general public use outside the office. Note that it will only be available when the site is open – from April to November. (Slingsby’s main defibrillator is in the phone box by the Green).

They now also have a fish and chip van in their car park on Fridays 16:45-17:30. All welcome!

Cafe Church

Slingsby Methodist Church extend a warm invitation to all for their Cafe Church event on Sunday 24th April. More details below:

Maypole Refurbishment On Hold

Refurbishment of Slingsby’s Maypole started well last Friday, but unfortunately the project has been put on hold for some days due to covid.

New North Yorkshire Authority – Virtual Roadshow

Thursday 14 April 2022, 6.30 to 8pm, ONLINE

The new North Yorkshire unitary authority will be fully in place from 1st April 2023. To understand why the coming local elections on Thursday 5 May 2022 are important and learn more about our transition from Ryedale to North Yorkshire, you are invited to attend one of a series of virtual roadshows. The one for our area is on Thursday 14 April 2022, between 6.30 and 8pm and will be held via Teams.

For further information and to drop in virtually, please visit:

For find out more about the election and the transitional role of those elected, visit: