The annual Slingsby Scarecrow Trail

The annual Scarecrow Trail is almost upon us and once again we are welcoming submissions for Scarecrow entrants. Each year the creations become more imaginative and the trail has become a fantastic attraction for the village.

The event this year will run over the Bank Holiday weekend of 30th April, 1st and 2nd May. As a lot of effort is put into the wording of the trail guide by our volunteer Mr Clarke, we are requesting that all submissions for entry are made no later than Friday 8th April.

Entries can be made by using the tear off entry form, enclosing £1 entry fee.  The entry form can be downloaded HERE

Scarecrow Trails will go on sale after 26th April. We would encourage everyone to submit a vote for their favourite scarecrow this year as all voters will be put into a draw to receive a cash prize. Details will be included on the trail.

On May Day there will be the usual celebrations with dancing and various stalls on the Green.  Weather permitting there will also be a Spring Fair, which will take place in the school playground.The Friends of Slingsby School will be providing refreshments in the Reading Rooms during the day on 30th April and 1st May.

We would love it if donations of cakes and tombola prizes could be made to assist us with this. Also, if any of you would be kind enough to volunteer with refreshments, all help would be gratefully received.

“The Good Life 2011”

6 April 2011, from 6 pm until 9 pm, at the Village Hall

Rural Action Yorkshire and Howardian Hills AONB have a joint event planned called “The Good Life 2011“. There will be a Q & A session between 7 pm and approx 7:45 pm.


Calling all budding singers and dancers aged between 5 and 16…

We are looking to start a fun singing and dancing group for any ability for those within a 10 mile radius of Slingsby.

Our first meeting will be on Thursday, 17 March 2011 from 6-7 pm at Slingsby Village Hall. We plan to hold meetings at the same time each week, as well as on one Saturday a month.

For further information please contact Jayne Goldsmith on 07971847364 or Karen Chapman on 07879334707