Slingsby voters to concentrate on referendum

Since nominations for our Parish Council do not exceed the vacancies, and since Robert Wainwright, our Ryedale District Councillor, is unopposed, Slingsby voters will have nobody to elect on 5 May. Therefore, we will be in a position to concentrate on the arguably more important issue of the voting system for parliamentary elections. We will be asked in the referendum if we wish to see the Alternative Vote (AV) system introduced in place of First Past the Post. AV seeks to ensure no one is elected without a broad base of support (normally a majority of the votes cast). It does this by asking voters to place candidates in order of preference. First Past the Post claims to ensure stable, majority governments, even though a majority of votes cast is not required to win. Follow the links below for more information to help you decide on this important issue.

Frankenstein LIVE in Slingsby

Thurs 14 April, 7.30pm, Slingsby Village Hall. Angus and Ross Theatre Company present “Frankenstein Live written by BAFTA-nominated Tom Needham and directed by Em Whitfield Brooks. Featuring the inimitable Dominic Goodwin and Emanuel Brierley.

Don’t miss the return of this frighteningly hilarious team! Is a monster born or made?

Tickets £8 from Village Shop or 01653 648424 or on the door.

Annual Parish Assembly Slingsby

Wednesday 13 April, 7pm, Slingsby Village Hall. Public meeting and last meeting of current council. Your chance to ask questions and make your views known.

Skewsby Garden Open for Charity

Sunday 8 May, 10am-5pm – Garden Open for Charity – Rewela Cottage, Skewsby (4 miles N of Sheriff Hutton and 15 miles N of York). Admission £3.50. Children: Free.  All monies raised are for the National Gardens Scheme charities. Also scheduled to be open 24 July 2011. More info at

Congratulations to Slingsby from Oz

If any further evidence were needed of the worldwide reach of Slingsby’s new website, please see the following message recently received from Perth, Western Australia:

“To the people of Slingsby Village

Congratulations on the success of the History weekend.  I have just watched
the video presented by Kate Giles. It is a shame that such a weekend was not
on when we spent our three weeks in Slingsby in October last year.  My late
father, William Henry Wright was born I Slingsby in 1898 and he died in
Australia, when I was 6 years of age. Our stay in the village was to fill in
some of the gaps in my family history. I discovered numerous Wright cousins
still living in the village – and donated to the Church Tower appeal in
memory of my father. My husband and I hope to visit your beautiful village
again in the next few years and we wish you every success with your website
and also with All Saints Church Tower Appeal.

We look forward to seeing the various historical documents in future visits.

With best wishes.

Jenny and Robert Fuller and family (Jeanette Wright)
Perth, Western Australia”