Saturday, 5 November 2011 – Bonfire Night on the Sports Field

Fire lit at 6:30 pm. Fireworks start at 6:45 pm

Comments are welcome

Ever since the earliest stages of the village website project, the development team have played around with the idea of visitors being able to comment on the content of the website. We liked the idea of getting feedback from the community.

As part of a test, lasting until the end of the year, the comments function has been switched ON in the News and Events section. If it’s successful, the comments function may be expanded to other areas of the website.

It should be noted that all comments will be moderated by the admin team before being published.

So why not leave us a comment. Do you think the comments function on the website will be useful? Let us know.

AGM of the Slingsby Website and Newsletter Group

The first Annual General Meeting of the Slingsby Website and Newsletter Group was held on 18 October 2011. The meeting was successful and the Group thanks the residents who attended. The AGM minutes and other related documents are now available to view and can be downloaded below:

AGM minutes   AGM Minutes 18 Oct 2011

Annex A Chairman’s report   AGM Chairman’s report 18 Oct 2011

Annex B Newsletter editor’s report   AGM Triangle Editors Report 2011

Annex C Webmaster’s report   AGM webmaster_report_october_2011

Annex D Accounts   Triangle Accounts18102011

Annex E Constitution   Constitution of Website Newsletter Group 18Oct2011

Slingsby Sports Club Harvest Festival boosts Yorkshire Air Ambulance

The annual Harvest Festival held in Slingsby’s Sports Club on 8th October was enjoyed by over 50 people.  As well as harvest hymn singing and slightly irreverent readings from once a year ‘vicar’ Mike Coates, there was bingo, a raffle, a pie and pea supper and an auction of baking and produce.

All proceeds were for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance and as usual people were extremely generous and almost £450 was raised. The Sports Club added a donation to make the total up to £500 for the night.

Thanks to all who contributed financially or donated prizes to the event.

The staff at Yorkshire Air Ambulance were notified of the sum raised and they in turn advised us that this money will bring the total amount raised and donated to the charity by the Sports Club to just over £7000.

A representative from the charity will be coming to Slingsby in mid November to formally receive the cheque and acknowledge the contributions made by Club Members.

Sports Club Committee

Village Design Statement – closing date for your returns

Calling all Residents of Slingsby, South Holme, and Fryton!

Have you filled in and returned your Village design statement questionnaire ?

Please do this, because we can only produce a useful plan to improve the village and protect the important buildings and views if it represents the opinions of the majority of residents. So far we have not received any comments about either Fryton or South Holme! 

Please fill in your questionnaire which was delivered with the current edition of The Triangle and return it to the Village Shop, or  Keith Buck at Sawpit Cottage, near The Green by 31st Oct.

The Village Design Statement Team

Supermobile library comes to Slingsby 4 Nov

Good news for book lovers! The Supermobile library service starts fortnightly visits to Slingsby on 4 Nov.  Visits will be every other Friday, 2-4 pm, at the Green, adjacent to Porch House.

Supermobile Poster_2011_Slingsby

For more information, see the message from the NY Libraries below:

“…We have been consulting with local communities, highways and
other agencies on the proposed Supermobile service in your area, I am pleased to confirm stops in your area as follows:
Fortnightly from 4 November 2011
Slingsby –  Fridays, 2.00pm – 4.00pm
The Green, adjacent to Porch House
The Supermobile stops are scheduled for one location, two hours in length, once a fortnight. The visit provides a valuable opportunity to bring together a wider range of community activities.  It would be helpful if you were able to
encourage other agencies, local groups, etc to work with us to broaden the range of services available to your local community during the morning or afternoon at the Supermobile visit.   It is our hope that the Supermobile can become a focal point to the advantage of local communities.
The vehicle, which is DDA compliant, provides around 3,000 items of stock,
including books, videos, DVDs and audio books.   Public access to the internet
is also available via our satellite link which also provides full access to the
library management system and council information. 
We will be issuing a press release and posters and where possible contacting
users of the previous mobile service, and of course, you will be most welcome to visit and see the service in action.  If, in the meantime you have any questions or suggestions to celebrate the first visit then please contact
[email protected].
Yours sincerely
Chrys Mellor
General Manager Libraries
North Yorkshire County Council
Adult and Community Services
Library HQ, 21 Grammar School Lane
NORTHALLERTON, North Yorkshire DL6 1DF
tel: 01609 533836
email: [email protected]