Other Local History Lectures

Local History Lectures in Malton and Helmsley

Helmsley Archaeological and Historical Society (HAHS) normally meets at the the Committee rooms of the North York Moors National Park at 7.30 p.m.

For more info, see their website: www.helmsleyarchaeologicalandhistoricalsociety.org.uk

The Friends of Malton Museum (FMM) normally meet at Malton School Library, in the east wing of Malton School, Middlecave Road, at 7.30 p.m. For latest info on talks, check here: www.maltonmuseum.co.uk/get-involved/friends-of-the-museum/

The lectures are open and there is a nominal charge for attending. Joining these groups avoids an entrance fee and you are kept up with events.

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