Get Involved

NOTICE: TREASURER NEEDED. As of December 2021, the Slingsby Website and Newsletter Group is currently looking for someone to join us as treasurer. No specialist knowledge required. Familiarity with MS Excel useful. Please volunteer early to receive a good handover from our outgoing treasurer. END of NOTICE

The existence of the Slingsby Village website depends on the dedication of a very small number of people. Within the last few years, three of of our team have moved away from the village, including our latest news editor who left us in November 2020. So I really need some extra help to ensure that we can continue to promote Slingsby and all its activities and events.

It’s great if you contribute your news, events and perhaps articles, but why not help as well with uploading text and images to the website? Help us keep the website fresh and up-to-the-minute. Influence the content and look of the website. We’d love to hear from you and, of course, we’d give you any necessary training. We have a separate training website (the “Test Bed”) which provides tutorials and allows you to practise without fear.

There are all kinds of roles: website editor, news editor, social media editor, events calendar editor, author/contributor, photo editor/photo contributor. These roles overlap, and you can decide what you do according to your interests and aptitudes. Part-time or full time, you can choose what suits you best.

The website uses the WordPress content management system which is very easy to use. If you email, use online banking or pay bills online, then you already have many of the skills required!

We see a lot of local community websites which have fallen into disuse. This is because they tend to be run by a very small group (1 or 2) who, while able initially to get the project off the ground and keep it going in the short term, start to lose enthusiasm as other interests and volunteer activities place new demands on their time. Or they simply move away. We are therefore planning ahead to ensure this does not happen to the Slingsby Village website.

We offer volunteers the opportunity to:
– learn new skills e.g. WordPress, the user-friendly content management system powering the website;
– work in a friendly team and share the workload;
– stay in touch with village life and activities
– remain active and support local activities
– play a key role in helping Slingsby fulfil its potential.

A young person might be wanting to gain skills and experience to enhance a CV. An older person might simply be wanting to keep those grey cells in tip-top order.
If you have experience of working on a website, are conversant with WordPress, or indeed have any particular IT skills, we would particularly value your assistance.

To find out more, contact the website at [email protected]

Thank you! Jon Boots

Who are we?

The Slingsby Website and Newsletter Group originally came together as a group of volunteers in October 2010, in response to community demand. Slingsby residents had expressed the wish (later set forth in the Parish Plan of 2010) that the Parish should have its own community website and newsletter.

What do we do?

We create, maintain, update and manage the website. Our aim is to serve the parish and encourage community activity. We provide a wealth of information about our community, news and events, clubs and societies, history, businesses. We also offer guidance and tourism information for visitors and any interested parties.

We welcome new website content contributions, so if you have something you’d like to see published on the website, send it in to the team. Would you like to join the website team and help run the village website? If so then we’d love to hear from you.

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