Category: News

A New Slingsby Neighbourhood Watch

We’ve received the following from Councillor David Bairstow, regarding a new Neighbourhood Watch scheme for Slingsby, Fryton and South Holme:

Knowing that the old Neighbourhood Watch had ceased to exist, I had been thinking about starting it up again for some time. I’ve now registered a new Neighbourhood Watch for Slingsby, Fryton and South Holme on the official website and started a Parish Neighbourhood Watch Facebook group.

You can register as an individual on the NW site, just go Once you’ve done that you can search for Slingsby to join the new scheme. The Facebook group, which you can access by searching ‘Slingsby Neighbourhood Watch’, is just a way of quickly alerting other residents of any thefts, suspicious behaviour/individuals etc. 

New signage for the scheme will be going up in the coming days, and window stickers will also be made available for anyone who wants them. 

Councillor David Bairstow

North Yorkshire County Council Home Update Grant

NYCC are offering a new grant scheme towards home updates to help with energy efficiency and keeping your house warm through the winter. More details and eligibility criteria can be found on the poster below or by visiting the council’s website through this link.