Category: News

Slingsby Jubilee Celebrations – Full Programme

Here’s the full programme, with all timings, for the Jubilee weekend Friday 3 June to Sunday 5 June.

The weekend kicks off with a rather special village-themed flower display in All Saints’ church, opening at 10am on Friday and continuing through the weekend.

The Village website would like to thank all organisers, sponsors and helpers for getting us to this point.

Slingsby Jubilee – Final preparations

The final preparations are getting under way, and this is where the heavy lifting starts. Head down to the sports field today Thursday (after noon) and you may be able to help.

Other things to think about: Do you have any royal memorabilia (for Friday afternoon’s exhibition)? Will you be entering any sports events on Saturday? What about the competitions? Best Dressed House in the Parish / Jubilee Cake / Jubilee Art / Fancy Dress? All timings, including closing times for registration in events, are in the tri-fold leaflet that should have dropped through your letter box. Can’t find it, didn’t receive one? We’ll publish it here on the website later today.

Finally (for the moment at least) an important answer to one of our FAQ’s:

Yes, we may have said “All Activities are FREE” But, to be honest, drinking in the sports club bar does not really count as an activity in the meaning of the law! Thank you for your enquiry/interest!

Slingbsy Jubilee Preparations Intensify!

The Jubilee Committee have been working hard to ensure our whole community can enjoy a weekend to remember. It’s all now coming together nicely.

A flyer with everything you need to know will drop through letterboxes mid-week. There promises to be something for everyone, whatever your age.

The website will bring you full details of all activities as well. But here’s the programme in short

Friday 3rd June:

  • 11am Flower display in All Saints’ church; [continues to noon on Sunday]
  • 1pm Exhibition of royal memorabilia in Village Hall; [there is still time to contact Kate Giles on 01653 628739 if you have something to offer]
  • 6pm Quiz in Sportsclub.

Saturday 4th June:

  • 12 noon JUBILEE FUN SPORTS DAY; [registration from 11am]
  • 4pm Live music.

Sunday 5th June:

10.30am Celebratory church service; 12.30 BIG JUBILEE PARTY.

Watch this space for more detail. Or see your June issue of the Triangle.

Fryton gets ready for the Queen’s Jubilee

Lots of Fryton residents got together on Saturday 28 May to put up the 400 metres of bunting kindly provided by the Parish Council.  The work was accompanied by cups of tea and bacon and sausage butties cooked on a BBQ!  It was a great get together with passers by admiring the bunting and being provided with a tea if they wanted one.

Many thanks to Colin Douthwaite for the photos and information

[I’m aware the orientation of the ones below may look wrong to some you, Ed]