Category: News

Congratulations to Slingsby from Oz

If any further evidence were needed of the worldwide reach of Slingsby’s new website, please see the following message recently received from Perth, Western Australia:

“To the people of Slingsby Village

Congratulations on the success of the History weekend.  I have just watched
the video presented by Kate Giles. It is a shame that such a weekend was not
on when we spent our three weeks in Slingsby in October last year.  My late
father, William Henry Wright was born I Slingsby in 1898 and he died in
Australia, when I was 6 years of age. Our stay in the village was to fill in
some of the gaps in my family history. I discovered numerous Wright cousins
still living in the village – and donated to the Church Tower appeal in
memory of my father. My husband and I hope to visit your beautiful village
again in the next few years and we wish you every success with your website
and also with All Saints Church Tower Appeal.

We look forward to seeing the various historical documents in future visits.

With best wishes.

Jenny and Robert Fuller and family (Jeanette Wright)
Perth, Western Australia”

Slingsby burial records

We have received the following message from the Chairman of the City of York & District Family History Society:

“I chair the City of York & District Family History Society. Slingsby is within the Diocese of York and therefore in the area covered by York & District Family History Society.Our society is the only society to have recorded Slingsby Church & Churchyard Burials. This information, with photographs of Gravestones, is available from our web-site The CD is priced at £6.50.

There is also a CD priced £11 which covers all Parishes in the North Riding within the Archdeaconry of York.This CD gives a complete transcript of Burials 1780-1812.

I have looked at your village website and noted that the Slingsby Local History Event has been very successful in raising over £700. Many people, as demonstrated by your  Local History Event, are interested in not only the history of the village but the inhabitants, past and present.

It is likely that many people are not aware of the recording of Burials at Slingsby. Family history researchers will often “Google” Towns & Villages to seek information that will help with their family research. Information on your website informing local residents & visitors that there is recorded information regarding Burials at Slingsby will I feel be extremely helpful.

Please contact me if you require further information.

Best regards,

Phil Hazel

01430 874177


The City of York & District Family History Society”

Tidy-up Time – Slingsby Village Hall

Tidy-up Time – Slingsby Village Hall – 12th April from 1pm – If anyone can help us clean up the village hall after the kitchen has been put in we would be very grateful

Local History event raises over £700 + Video!

The recent local history event which took place 12/13 March raised over £700 for the tower fund. Very many thanks to all those who contributed to it and supported it.

Margaret Mackinder,   628303

See a 10 minute video of the opening weekend here: 

Art Plaque Unveiling

Tuesday, March 22nd. 2011 at 3.0 pm.  The children of Slingsby CP School invite everyone to the unveiling of the art project plaque, depicting life in Slingsby, on Tuesday, March 22nd. 2011 at 3.0 pm and then enjoy refreshments at the French cafe organised by the children. All this takes place at the school on the Green, Slingsby. Everyone is most welcome.