Category: News

Help our Ellen help others – bags wanted!

We’ve received this letter from Ellen Clayton, who next year will be travelling to Kenya with fellow students from Malton School. Please see if you can help her get her fund-raising under way. The aim is to help locals in a number of community projects. In partnership with Bags2School, Ellen would like your bags by 3 December. Contact her on 01653 628186.

Hovingham Market – December

There are TWO dates for the most excellent Hovingham Market this December.

If you’d like to go along and visit the multi award winning market, chock-a-block with great gift ideas and tasty treats for Christmas, make sure you go through to Hovingham on Saturday 3rd and 17th December – 10.30am to 2.30pm

More details about Hovingham market can be found on the market’s website at

A Flickr of Life: The Photo Archive

The Hunt in Slingsby - Date unknown | Photo by Alan Wormald

Those of you who may have read the webmaster report, or closely inspected the banner adverts, may have seen that the website team have launched a Flickr page dedicated to collecting photographs documenting the people, the villages, the landscape, and  life in general around the parish of  Slingsby, South Holme and Fryton.

The Slingsby Village Flickr page was launched in August after it was agreed that the Flickr service was the best place to create a photographic archive. Many organisations like the Imperial War Museum use the Flickr service to conveniently archive and present the photography for public viewing. The website team would like to do the same for our Parish. The aim is to build up the best collection of local photographs, new and old, colour or black and white, for everyone to enjoy.

Currently the Slingsby Village Flickr photostream has 77 photographs available to view, but we’d like many, many more. We have already started to add images from the recently digitised ‘Wormald Collection’ and other members of the community have also submitted photographs.  We are indebted to Rosemary Wormald for releasing many photographs, so that they could be digitised. This was arranged by the Local History Group. The images will be appearing over the coming weeks.

Many of the prints collected by Alan and Rosemary Wormald over the years were of course contributed by other residents. We feel sure there are plenty of you now who have interesting photographs to share with community. The more photographs the archive gets, the stronger it becomes. We are especially interested in good quality old photographs or negatives shot in the parish during  the Victorian era, the early 20th century, the World Wars and the post war period. Contemporary photography submissions are also welcome. However old or new the photograph is – we would like to add it to the archive.

If you’d like to contribute to the Slingsby, South Holme and Fryton Photography archive then you can send digitised images to:- [email protected] 

It would help enormously if you could follow these guidelines when emailing in your photos.

Please try to give us as much info as you can: the photographer (esp if not the sender), the subject and if possible the date of photo.

Each scanned photo submitted should preferably be less than 2 MB.

We will ensure an acknowledgment of the photographer appears. The copyright remains with the photographer.

Any queries you may have about submitting photographs can be sent to the email address given above.

To visit the Slingsby Village Flickr page go to 

Village Hall news roundup

Slingsby Village Hall would like to thank all those who attended and supported the 80th Anniversary Celebrations when Paddy Morrow and friends put on a night of entertainment. £619.78 was made from the event. 

Slingsby Village Hall’s 2012 Calendars of Scenes around the Village have now sold out. A big thank you to all who have purchased.

Slingsby Village Hall Committee are again providing Home Baking in time for Christmas. Order forms have now been delivered to all residents in Slingsby, Fryton and South Holme. Please return completed forms by 26th November. Produce to be delivered on Saturday 10th December between 8.30 and 10am.

Christmas Bingo in Slingsby Village Hall on Saturday 17th December. Eyes down at 7.15pm. All welcome with proceeds to Hall funds. [NB.Change of date – previously advertised here as 10 December – Ed]

Slingsby Village Hall – Pocket Panto are presenting Jack & The Beanstalk on Sunday 8th January 2012 at 4pm. Tickets are now on sale for £6 which includes tea/coffee and mince pies. Tickets from Trudy Carr Tel 628302. Be sure to book early to ensure your seat.

Photo of the Month: November 2011

Having a chat - Photograph by Richard Flint

Here is the website’s first Photo of the Month. On the 8th of each month, a photo will be posted onto the website and we’d like you, the viewer, to participate.

We are looking for any great images that you’d like to share. To start with we will limit submissions to images, old or new, taken around the parish of Slingsby, South Holme and Fryton, but later on we’ll open it out further to include more.

If you have a photograph you’d like to share you can send it to [email protected] . Along with your photograph, it would be useful to include some details about where the photograph was taken, when, etc.  All copyrights remain with the photographer who will get a credit on the website.

Please note that by sending it to us, you are allowing the website team to publish it on the website.

The above image was taken in 1997. The person with their back to the camera is Michael Bogg who sadly died earlier this year. The negatives for this photograph (and others) were found during a rummage through some old paperwork. It was taken as part of a photographic project to capture moments in the daily life of the village.

Details about how you can get involved in another village photography project will be posted later this week. Until then, why not have a look at the Slingsby Flickr page at