Category: News

Photo of the Month: February

Slingsby 'Castle' covered with snow | Photograph by David Thornley

The first snow fall of 2012 occurred in Slingsby last weekend, so it seems right to have a snowy photograph of one of Slingsby’s most intriguing buildings, beautifully captured by David Thornley, back in December 2009.

Slingsby Castle, as it is known locally, isn’t actually a castle but the ruins of a Jacobean mansion or manor house that was never completed due to the first English Civil War of 1642-1646.

More information on Slingsby Castle can be found here.

Do you have a great photograph you’d like to share with us?

If you’d like to submit an image for the photo of the month slot, you can send it to [email protected]

More details about how to submit photographs can be found HERE

Geoff’s Walk for February


This month’s walk from Geoff has just been added to the website, featuring a route starting in Nunnington, following the River Rye  for a time, and taking in some fantastic views along the way. It’s recommended that you walk this route on a clear day.

The route is available to download, in either Microsoft Word document (.doc) and Adobe Reader (.pdf) file formats, for free from Geoff’s Walk page.


Local road closure latest

Signs seen at roadside Wednesday 1 Feb indicate that the anticipated (3 day) road closure between Slingsby (Wath) and Hovingham will now just be in operation on Thursday 2 Feb. Only time will tell…

Village Hall fund-raising latest

The Panto Jack and the Beanstalk on 8th January 2012 drew an almost capacity crowd to the village hall.  Everyone enjoyed the evening, which included a raffle, tea and mince pies, and an amount of £406 was raised in aid of village hall funds.

Recent fund raising events:

Christmas Bingo: £109

Christmas Food Orders: £433.60

Carol Singing: £69  [Church and Chapel received the same amount]

2012 Calendar: £300.

The next fund raising event will be the Easter Bingo on Saturday 7th April.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support and please do not hesitate to get in touch if you are interested in becoming a member of the Committee.

Christine Crouch


Slingsby Village Hall Committee

Tel: 01653 628470

Give us your news and events

It’s rather quiet on the news and events front at the moment, so the website has being undergoing a bit of maintenance.

Just after Christmas, the website passed the 18,000 page views mark, so it looks as though the 20,000 views figure will be reached before the website’s first anniversary.

Of course, a website needs content and the website team would love to hear from anyone interested in contributing to the website. Maybe you’d like to write a monthly article, submit a poem or send in a photograph for the photo of the month feature. We are open to suggestions. If you have any ideas, we’d really love to hear from you.

If you are organising an event in the parish this year, let the website team know in plenty of time, and we’ll do our best to let people know.  The website’s busiest days have been due to people visiting the website to find out what’s going on and when.  Make sure they can find your event information on the website this year.

The contact page has all the details for submitting event information – so tell us your news, events and updates, and we can spread the message.

Finally, if you have a local business, why not advertise on the website using one of our £20 per year page banners – we’ll even design a banner for you for free!