Category: News

Photo of the Month: Tulips in flower

Tulips in flower | Photograph by Enid Flint

Do you have a great photograph you’d like to share with us?

If you’d like to submit an image for the photo of the month slot, you can send it to [email protected]

More details about how to submit photographs can be found HERE

Slingsby Church Tower Repairs Completed

Slingsby, 11 May 2012 – The repair work to All Saints Church Tower has now been completed.

The scaffolding is due to come down Tuesday/Wednesday next week [15/16 May] as soon as the architect signs it off, which he is due to do first thing on Tuesday.

For Margaret Mackinder’s latest press release, follow the link to our Church Tower Restoration and Appeal page and scroll down to Reports. 


A Busy Bank Holiday

A big crowd turned out for the Slingsby Mayday Celebrations

It was a busy bank holiday weekend in Slingsby with three events, the Scarecrow trail, car boot and Mayday celebrations, coming together to bring in the crowds. The weather wasn’t great… but it stayed dry.

The website was busy too, with the highest amount of traffic recorded since its launch in March 2011. The sheer amount of visitors smashed the previous record of 176 page views per day, twice over the weekend.

On Sunday and Monday, we had over well over 250 page views, with Monday taking the crown with a new record of 318 page views. Normally the website gets around 80-100 per day.

The Gazette and Herald posted a piece about the Maypole dancing on Tuesday, but the best post came from Becky, Tom and Holly who were visitors to the scarecrow trail. Their adventures on the trail were beautifully captured in Tom’s photo-story images, showing all the fun and magic of the Slingsby scarecrow trail.

Many thanks to them for coming to see the trail and for the great photos. You can read about and see their experience of the Slingsby scarecrow trail HERE

Speaking of photos… here’s a few from the Mayday celebrations. More on the way. All photos by Richard Flint.

The Slingsby Website Scarecrow


Even the website has its own scarecrow for the trail… and this dedicated surfer has a very special mouse that helps him run the website. He doesn’t say much though and never turns up for website meetings!

Two great days gone and one left to go on the scarecrow trail. Lets just hope that the weather stays OK for tomorrow’s Maypole festivities and the car boot sale too.


The Pinnacles return to the Church tower

The pinnacles returned to Slingsby Church tower today with a good crowd turning out to see them raised by crane, and then lowered into position.

More photos can be found on the Slingsby Village Flickr page HERE