Category: News

Photo of the Month: Raising of the Maypole 1905

The Raising of Slingsby Maypole  – May 1905

It hasn’t been until just recently that the website team realised that one iconic village structure was missing from the website – The Maypole.

This glaring omission will be rectified soon with the Maypole receiving its own page on the website complete with history and a few photos. How we managed to forget about the big red, blue and white pole located on the Green is a very good question!

To see a larger version of the photo, just click on the image.

Do you have a great photograph you’d like to share with us?

If you’d like to submit an image for the photo of the month slot, you can send it to [email protected]

More details about how to submit photographs can be found HERE

Picture Quiz Answers here!

Below are the answers to the picture quiz on the cover of Triangle Issue no. 11 (Aug/Sep 2011).

How did you get on in the 9 picture quiz?

Those nice Triangle people bet you don’t know every inch of the area.  But perhaps you recognise all 9 locations?

Anyhow, we hope you had fun doing the quiz, because there are no prizes on offer (we feel any extravagance would unsettle the markets…)

If you’ve done the quiz, read on – no cheating now!



Top row, L-R:

On the wall of Orchard Cottage, Railway St. Slingsby.

Waterpump outside Castle Cottage, The Green, Slingsby.

On top of the Maypole, Slingsby.


Centre row, L-R:

Mouse House, The Lawns, Slingsby.

Gate of Orchard House, Railway St., Slingsby.

Croft House, Malton Road, Slingsby.


Bottom row, L-R:

By the footpath at the old level crossing, Fryton.

Gatepost finial at Stretton Cottage, Malton Road, Slingsby.

Memorial plaque outside West Flatts Farm, High St., Slingsby.

Review of Harpsichord Recital in Slingsby Church

Church Clock falls silent at visit of harpsichord virtuoso to Slingsby

On Monday 16th July, five days before an appearance at the Proms in the Albert Hall, the brilliant young Iranian harpsichord virtuoso Mahan Esfahani performed in All Saints Slingsby.

The Ryedale Festival has been running for some 20 years in its current form, bringing high class music to every corner of Ryedale. Yet this might have been the first time that Slingsby had been chosen as a venue. Certainly we would have to go back to the days of the old Helmsley Festival, forerunner of the Ryedale Festival, to find another concert on our home patch.

To programme a harpsichord recital in All Saints Church Slingsby might seem a rather esoteric choice by Ryedale Festival Artistic Director Christopher Glynn, had he been aiming to attract a new audience to the delights of classical music. But, if you have to start somewhere, why not Bach on the harpsichord? This is music in its purest form.

In the event, it was good to see a few Slingsby residents in the audience among the faithful Festival regulars.

Mahan Esfahani is a hugely talented BBC New Generation Artist. He studied in Boston and Milan before settling in the UK. He was playing dance-based music from three centuries (by Orlando Gibbons, a gifted amateur by the name of Azzolino della Ciaja, and the one and only J.S. Bach). Mahan’s nimble fingers sped up and down the keyboard, making light of passage work, but paused appropriately to bring out the juicy dissonances and subtle countermelodies. This was not genteel playing for the parlour. He delighted in the possibilities of his instrument (on loan for this event from the York Early Music Centre), at times pounding out repetitions, or “giving it some wellie” as I believe musicologists say.

But Slingsby residents will want to know why the church clock was silenced. During his practice an hour before the start of the recital, the musician’s keen ear picked up the soft clunking of the clock mechanism. In a moment he was in the church tower examining the mechanism. Having gently dissuaded him from touching anything, I was fortunate to find the church warden Ann Wilson, who in turn located Stephen Mackinder, who turned off the clock. Then Mahan Esfahani drew our attention to an even more subtle and distant sound, identifying it unquestionably as a lawn mower (sure enough the verges were being mown over a hundred yards away up Slingsby High Street!). At this point, as Steward, I was perhaps getting a little edgy as I suggested that he should worry more about tractors, and that anyway all this was part of the unique rural ambience of the Ryedale Festival. It should be said that the musician’s demands were all made with courtesy and good humour. Soon the audience was settling down to hear first-class music-making.

Concerts of the highest quality have since then been staged up and down Ryedale, in stately homes, churches, abbeys and purpose-built venues. As the Festival comes to an end with the Final Gala Concert to be given by the Northern Sinfonia this evening (Sunday 29 July) at Hovingham Hall, there will be a pause to reflect on a busy and highly entertaining sixteen days of music and drama, before the thoughts of Christopher Glynn and all Festival members turn to next year’s Festival.

Jon Boots, 29 July 2012

Harpsichord silences Slingsby chimes

Slingsby, 16 July  –  The chimes of Slingsby’s church clock fell silent this morning at the request of the brilliant (yet sensitive) harpsichord player Mahan Esfahani. It had actually been the clunking of the mechanism inside the church which was causing the musician the problem. After a moment of anxiety among organisers, Stephen Mackinder arrived to tend to the sensitive mechanism and put it to sleep. The large audience was then able to enjoy virtuosic playing, brought to us by the Ryedale Festival. A review of the event will be posted here soon.