Category: News

All Saints Church – thanks for your support

A big thank you to all those who turned out on Saturday 25th August while the rain poured down outside to help clean All Saints Church after the building repair work. Particular thanks to John Apps and David Thornley for taking on the high up cleaning in areas which have seen no duster or brush for many years, and where the spiders had run riot.

The church was left sparkling and dust free with clean windows and gleaming brass and silver in time for the Service of Rededication  of the church tower by Bishop Martin on 2nd September.

Keeping such a large building in good order is a herculean task. Your help was truly appreciated.



The church Tower appeal continues but is now not too far short of its target. Very many thanks to all those who supported the stalls at the Car Boot Sale on 9th September with contributions to the stalls and help and support on the day. We were exceedingly lucky with the weather; it was almost too hot for comfort!  The event raised a magnificent £578. 90.  Particular thanks to Pat Calvert for organising the tombola and to the Sports Field committee for their support once again.

All Saints’ Slingsby celebrates the completion of the Tower restoration

A good congregation gathered for a service of Thanksgiving and Rededication at All Saints’ Church, Slingsby on Sunday evening, 2 September attended by the Bishop of Selby, the Rt. Revd. Martin Wallace. He preached and rededicated the tower and other areas of the building which are to be developed for wider community use.

A feature in the service was the symbolic presentation of an engraved silver trowel used to lay the foundation stone of the church when it was rebuilt in 1867.  Mr. John Crump, of Matthias Garn Master Mason and Partner, representing the stonemasons, architect and other contractors, handed the trowel to the Bishop as a token of the skills employed in the restoration. Also on display was a Bible given to the church by its 19th century benefactor Admiral Edward Howard, containing a list of parishioners who contributed financially towards the £5,000 total for the rebuilding.

The cost of the recent work was £100,000, and it is an amazing achievement that the church and village community have raised nearly this amount in a relatively short time through grants, fund-raising events and generous giving. Fund-raising continues, and final donations are welcome, to cover extra costs incurred and provide for further improvements in the future. The Parochial Church Council would like to express their appreciation to all who have contributed in any way to the project, which was carried out to a very high standard and has resulted in the building being made safe and sound for future generations.

The Revd. Beryl Bowes, Rector of the Street Parishes.

Slingsby Produce Show – entry forms


produce show 3

15 September 2012 – Slingsby Produce Show

Entry forms are now available from Tony at the Village Shop, or from Trudy Carr at Mowbray Rise, Green Dyke Lane.

All entry forms and entry fees are to be returned to Trudy by 8 pm on Thursday, 13 September.

Temporary Road Closures

The details of temporary road closures that will occur for five days at various sites around the village have been released. These sites are:

  • High Street, Slingsby
  • The Green, Slingsby
  • Church Lane, Slingsby
  • The Lawns, Slingsby
  • Sycamore Close, Slingsby
  • Balksyde, Slingsby

As the letter from North Yorkshire County Council states:-

‘It is anticipated that the roads will be closed for five days at each site during the period ’17 September 2012 to 29 March 2013. The reason for the closures is the protection of the Workforce and travelling public during carriageway surfacing Works. Pedestrian access to affected premises will be maintained at all times with vehicular access maintained whenever possible.’

The full letter from the council can be read HERE

The attached plans showing temporary road closures, indicated by “XXX” and, where appropriate, the associated diversion routes can be found HERE