Category: News

Terrington Village Choir Concert: 2nd December

Concert by Terrington Village Choir

Sunday 2nd December at 3.00 p.m In Slingsby Church

A return visit of this talented local choir under their musical director – Kerr Wilson.

Come and enjoy a Sunday afternoon of seasonal music and song

 Tickets £5.00 per person obtainable from the Village Shop or 01653 628982

your ticket includes tea/coffee and cake served during the interval


There will be one or two vacant plots on the allotments from 1st January 2013; so why not take this opportunity to grow your own fresh vegetables. If you are interested, or wish to receive further details, please telephone Brian Clarke on 01653 628625.

Slingsby Calendar 2013

The 2013 Slingsby Calendar is now on sale! Pick up your copy at the Farm Shop, priced only £5.50. The calendar is perfect for the home, and it will make a great Christmas gift for friends and family. Copies can also be ordered from Trudy Carr (01653 628302) and Janet Clarke (01653 628625). All proceeds in aid of Slingsby Village Hall.

The Shoebox Appeal

The shoebox appeal is now in full swing. Shoeboxes can be filled with various small items, as detailed on the promotional leaflets which have already been distributed around the village.
These are then sent to countries in Eastern Europe and parts of Africa, to bring a bit of comfort and cheer to children there. This year the organisers are hoping to pass the 10th million shoebox – isn’t that amazing!
Shoeboxes can be taken to Rachel Prest, Tony at the farm shop, or to the Adventure Club at the Chapel on Thursday nights.There will also be a special shoebox service at the Chapel on Sunday 11th November, at 10-30 am. The service will be taken by Helen Leng from Pickering.Please contact Rachel Prest on 01653-628277 if you would like more information.