Category: News

Road Works at Amotherby Crossroads

Please be aware that road works will take place at Amotherby crossroads w/c Mon 3rd, including kerbing below the banking and railings, and resurfacing of all four arms of the crossroads.

The Amotherby Parish Council has received the following information from Highways:- Work is planned to occur over 3 nights–Mon 3rd to Wed 5th inclusive, from 6pm to midnight (the 6am on the notices is to allow for slight delays). If kerbing work is not completed it may be necessary to also close the C20 into the village on Thursday evening to complete this. The main B1257 will not be completely shut; there will be traffic lights in operation. The C20 down into the village will be completely closed for the 3 nights to allow for kerbing to be done–no access will be possible after 6pm (8pm on Monday to allow traffic for the school disco through).

Monday – kerbing on the C20 and preparatory work on the westbound B1257 (traffic towards Hovingham) and up Amotherby Lane, but not as far as the Parish Hall entrance. It will be possible to access the Parish Hall from the top of Amotherby Lane (Castle Howard road).

Tuesday – kerbing on the C20 and preparatory work on the eastbound B1257 (traffic towards Malton) and down into the village. It will be possible to access the Parish Hall from the B1257.

Wednesday – kerbing on the C20 and complete the surfacing on all four parts of the crossroads, so access to the Parish Hall is dubious from the B1257, but possible from the Castle Howard road. Highways have promised to notify us of any change to this schedule due to hold ups caused by weather.

Posts via Email

The Slingsby Village Website is updated on a regular basis with news and events (remember – if it isn’t on the website then we haven’t heard about it) from around the parish and beyond.  Keeping up with the news and events means regular visits to the website but now the website news can come to you via email.

Simply subscribe using your email address and whenever a new post appears on the website, an email notification will be sent out to you containing that news. It’s that simple.  The subscribe box can be found near the Twitter updates box on the right hand side of the website and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Local History Meetings: Dates 2012 to 2013

For those of you who were children during the war and remember what went on in Slingsby at that time, or the period just after it, there will be another discussion to record your wartime memories as we did earlier this year about farming. This will take place in the parlour at The Grapes over a cup of coffee or tea and a scone, on Saturday 8th December at 10.30am.

Details of our meeting on Tuesday 15th January 2013 will be posted online soon, or please see the next edition of the Triangle.

Our Local History Day for 2013 has been arranged for Saturday 9th March. The meeting will take place in the village hall and church, and the theme will be ‘Shops and Businesses in Slingsby’. The February meeting will most likely be taken up with preparing contributions for this, as well as a possible assembly for the school. One idea already, is to create a village trail which would illustrate the extent of the businesses in Slingsby in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. We also hope to do another recording of your memories .

The theme for our Local History Day in March 2014 will be Wartime Slingsby.

New Ashes Burial Area in All Saints Churchyard

A new ashes burial area has been laid out on a small area of the churchyard to the north side of the church building. This site will accommodate about 45 plots, and is likely to be the last area for which permission will be granted as there are no other suitable spaces in the churchyard. The churchyard was closed for coffin burials many years ago.

The new area has been allowed by the Diocese of York on condition that only sandstone marker slabs are used. These will be set into the ground and inscriptions put on them as required. No marble of any colour can be allowed.

The area chosen is a quiet and peaceful. It has been suggested that it would be appropriate to place a seat overlooking the new plot for use by relatives of the deceased and other visitors to the churchyard. The Church Council is aiming to commission a new oak seat for this purpose and is seeking donations from anyone who would like to contribute. It will cost £500.

If you would like to help, please put your donation in an envelope marked ‘churchyard seat’ and post it through the door of Porch House, The Green or give it in person to Maurag Carmichael.

Some people have expressed an interest in reserving a plot in the new area. This is not essential to be sure of a place, but those who wish, may do so any time. Please contact the Churchwarden, Ann Wilson on 01653 628567 if you would like to find out more.

Margaret Mackinder