Category: News

Happy New Year to all

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Whether you are are in Slingsby or Sydney, Fryton or France, South Holme or the South Pacific, Pickering or Perth (WA), not to mention all those places in between, we hope you enjoyed seeing in the New Year.

The Slingsby Website and Newsletter Group wish you a happy, prosperous and peaceful 2013 and look forward to bringing you more good news in the forthcoming year.

Slingsby Local History Group Meeting – 15th January

On Tuesday 15th January local farmer Bruce Harrison of Wath will share some of his thoughts about the nature of the prehistoric landscape in this area, in an informal presentation illustrated by some wonderful prehistoric artefacts. Bruce has been actively interested in archaeology in Ryedale and on the Wolds for many years and has a deep understanding of the geology and archaeology of this part of the area based on years of observation and discovery.  Come along to find out more!  The Slingsby Local History Group will be meeting on Tuesday 15th January, 7.30pm, Village Hall.

Kate Giles

Subscribe to the Update Emails

If you’ve read the short but informative website article in the November/December issue of the Triangle, then you’ll have heard about the email update service that is powered via the village website.

What does it do? It’s a simple service open to anyone running an event or group within the parish who wants to  send reminders and updates to other  people, active groups and organisations based in our parish. You send one email detailing your news/update and we send out the information to everyone on the subscription list. As we state on the subscribe page the aim is to  ‘simplify the process for communicating information to other individuals, groups and organisations working within the Slingsby, Fryton and South Holme Parish.’

The idea is to get as many people, active groups and organisations based in our parish, signed up so that important information can flow. We launched this little service nearly a year ago, but sadly the number of subscribers has come in way below expectations. To make it work we need more. If we don’t get more subscribers then the service will be closed.

UPDATE: This service was shutdown on 6th March due to lack of subscribers.

Photo of the Month: November

Flooded land alongside the River Derwent in Malton | Photo by Richard Flint

This week Malton has been in the news headlines, both locally and nationally,  as the River Derwent flooded causing damage to property and forcing the re-routing of traffic.

This photograph was taken along Norton road yesterday (29th November) where a small stretch of riverside park now resides underwater. Hopefully the water level will start dropping soon.

Do you have a great photograph you’d like to share with us?

If you’d like to submit an image for the photo of the month slot, you can send it to [email protected]

More details about how to submit photographs can be found HERE


SWaNG AGM – minutes now online

The second Annual General Meeting of the Slingsby Website and Newsletter Group was held on 22 November 2012. The meeting was successful and the Group thanks those who attended.  The minutes of the AGM can be found below, with reports and accounts available to download by clicking on the links which follow.



held on Thursday 22nd November 2012 at 7pm

in the Grapes


  1. Present: Jon Boots, Carol Buck, Keith Buck, George Dudzinski, Richard Flint, David Thornley (Committee members), and two members of the public.
  2. Welcome and introduction: Jon Boots (acting Chairman) welcomed guests to this, the second AGM of the Group, and introduced the members of the Management Committee.
  3. Apologies were received from Rachel Underwood and Geoff Brooks.
  4. Chairman’s report: Jon Boots, acting as Chairman, gave an overview of a successful year for the group and touched on the desirability of wider community engagement with the website. The report was accepted by those present and is attached at Annex A.
  5. Treasurer’s report: Carol Buck presented the accounts for the Group’s financial year (1 Nov 2011 to 31 Oct 2012). They had been audited and signed by a retired accountant and tax inspector who is independent of the Group. The accounts are attached at Annex B.
  6. Newsletter editor’s report: The Newsletter editor’s report was presented by Keith Buck and accepted by those present. It is attached at Annex C.
  7. Webmaster’s report: Richard Flint reported on the improving architecture of the website and its associated facilities, including a number of technical and security enhancements. His report was accepted by those present and is attached at Annex D.
  8. Approval of officers: As no other nominations were received, the committee was reconfirmed en bloc, as follows:

Chairman: George Dudzinski

Treasurer: Carol Buck.

Newsletter editor: Keith Buck

Webmaster: Richard Flint

Secretary: Jon Boots

Member: David Thornley

  1. Open discussion: There was a general discussion about the website and newsletter, drawing on experience from other local communities. There was particular focus on the need for wider engagement with the website. It was noted that the Parish Council and local businesses clearly need more encouragement to use the website effectively.

Jon Boots, Secretary 28 November 2012

ANNEX A: AGM 2012 Chairman’s report 22 Nov 2012

ANNEX B: AGM 2012 Accounts

ANNEX C: AGM 2012 Editors Report 15 Nov 2012

ANNEX D: AGM 2012 webmaster_AGM_report_10112012