Category: News

Slingsby Local History Day – Saturday 9th March

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Just a quick reminder the Slingsby Local History Day will take place on Saturday 9th March in the Slingsby Village Hall and All Saints Church.

The focus this year will be on local business and how Slingsby made a living; before the railways were invented, few people ever went outside the villages of Slingsby, South Holme and Fryton unless they could walk long distances.  The village businesses met all needs and also provided jobs for those who did not work in farming. This year’s local history event is about the large number of non-farming businesses.

Come along and find out where and what the businesses were, and enjoy the small exhibition and film.  Refreshments will be on sale throughout the day, and will include coffee, tea, cakes, scones, soup and roll at lunch time.

Recording of memories of Slingsby (by invitation) will take place at 10.30 a.m. in the Village Hall.  Please contact Margaret Mackinder on 01653 628303 if you would like to take part. Dr. Kate Giles  and Margaret Mackinder will lead an open discussion and summary of the recording session at 2.30 p.m.

Admission to Slingsby Local History Day is £2.00.

Ryedale Book Festival Event – World Book Day


Celebrate World Book Day on 7 March with the Ryedale Book Festival, who are delighted to welcome back Jessica Haigh, the Book Elf, to share some of her favourite reads.  Come along, have a drink and share your best books or just listen and get ideas for other good reads at the Old Lodge Hotel, Malton on Thursday, March 7th at 7pm (£4 on the door).  The next Ryedale Book Festival takes place on Saturday, October 19th 2013. For more information go to

The Grand Départ 2014


It is official: The world’s greatest cycle race – the Tour de France – will start in the world’s greatest county on 5th & 6th July 2014 bringing millions of fans to the Yorkshire roadside to cheer on the champions of the sport.  It’s the first time Le Tour has visited the north of England, and it is the perfect opportunity to showcase our stunning landscape to over 3 billion TV viewers world-wide.

Our very own Keith Buck – a keen cyclist – explains how and why Welcome to Yorkshire bid for the the Grand Départ and shows the routes the race will take through Yorkshire – download the following attachment Tour de France

In Welcome to Yorkshire’s own words “The county is a heartland of the sport and over the next few pages we celebrate Yorkshire’s Grand Départ, Yorkshire’s cycling champions, the county’s iconic cycling landscapes and hopefully inspire more people to consider going uphill and down dale on two wheels in future.”

If you have been inspired by Keith and Welcome to Yorkshire, find out more at


Slingsby Allotments – Vacancies


Why not have a go at growing your own fruit and vegetables in 2013!  We have a couple of vacancies on the Slingsby allotment site to be let on a first come first served basis to persons living in the Parish. If you are interested in renting one please contact Brian Clarke immediately on Tel 628625. If there are no takers, then they will be offered to others from outside the Parish.