Category: News

Play or umpire cricket at Slingsby Cricket Club


We are just into the Cricket season and a request has come into the website via Twitter regarding Cricket in the village.

If you, or anyone you know, would like to play or umpire cricket at Slingsby Cricket Club, then why not have a word with Wayne Fawcett on 07828 226556 or send a message to the website and we’ll forward it on.

Slingsby during the War


Back in December,  the first local history recording session, focussing on Slingsby during World War Two, took place at The Grapes Inn.

Last night, an edited version was ‘premièred’ at the Local History meeting and now you can have a listen to the recording too.

We’ve only scratched the surface regarding what was going on in Slingsby between 1939 and 1945. More recordings are being planned about the Slingsby’s War and other topics.

If you know of anyone who would like to listen to the recording but doesn’t have access to the internet, we would actively encourage people to download the audio mp3 file and burn it onto a CD.

There is a bit of background noise at the start of the conversation as teas/coffees are delivered but it quickly quietens down.

The Slingsby Maypole webpage

maypole raising in Slingsby 1905

Just over two years ago, the Slingsby village website launched with the aim of providing news and giving Slingsby, Fryton and South Holme an on-line presence.

The team went through the process of developing pages for the website and we thought we’d covered everything. We hadn’t. One iconic structure in the village was missing from the website – the Maypole.

Last week, a page dedicated to Slingsby’s Maypole went live on the website, just in time for the May Day celebrations due to happen in the village on May 6th. The page features a Maypole timeline and a brilliant YouTube video of the raising of the current Maypole dating back to May 1985.

The Maypole page can be found at:

Local History Group Meeting

The next Local History Group meeting will take place in the Village Hall Committee Room at 7.30 p.m. on the Tuesday 16th April.  It is open to all, but we ask those who attend to contribute £1 towards the cost of hall hire.  More details can be found in The Triangle.



Forthcoming Local History Dates

scan0005 po mid30s on green

After a very successful history day on local businesses we are now planning our forthcoming meetings. Many will examine the topic of Slingsby in Wartime, culminating in an event on this in 2014, which will be the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War. The Group’s work will cover a wider war and battle theme, bearing in mind that the Slingsby Castle site dates from medieval times through to the Civil War, and the village felt the effects of war in both the 19th and 20th Centuries.

Local History Group meetings will be a mixture of working meetings, comparing and presenting work that the Group is aiming to carry out, and more formal talks. All meetings take place in the Village Hall Committee Room at 7.30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month. They are open to all, but we ask those who attend to contribute £1 towards the cost of hall hire.

Details of talks etc. will be confirmed in The Triangle and on the Slingsby Village Website. Dates for your diary are as follows: Tuesday 16th April, Tuesday 21st May, Tuesday 18th June and Tuesday 16th July 2013.