Category: News

Car Boot Sale: Sunday 16th June

Car Boot sale at Slingsby

A reminder that a car boot sale for Slingsby Village Hall will be taking place next Sunday (June 16th) on the sports field,  from 7 am to 2 pm (weather permitting, of course).

N.B. For general car boot queries, please ring the Sports Club on 01653 627124 (Friday 8.30 pm – 10.30 pm, Saturday 8.30 pm – 11.30 pm and Sunday 8.30 pm – 10.30 pm).

For  information about the car boot sale dates for this year, go to the sportsfield page.

Burglaries Witness Appeal

Witness appeal.

Between 9am and 3pm on Thursday 23rd May 2013 a house burglary occurred in Hovingham.

Between 8am and 7pm on Wednesday 5th June 2013 two premises in Slingsby were subject of burglaries.


please could you assist the North Yorkshire Police in their fight against these types of crimes, by contacting DC275 Butcher or DC381 Gascoyne on telephone number 101 quoting reference numbers for the Slingsby Burglaries 12130091054 and 12130090749 or 12130082649 for Hovingham Burglary. Alternatively information can also be reported via Crimestoppers 0800 555 111.

If you or any member of your household saw anything no matter how insignificant please could you make us aware as it may be important to our enquiries.

Many Thanks

Wpc Nicki Pounder

Record Breaking May


May really was an extraordinary month for the Slingsby Village website. In my article for the June/July issue of the Triangle, i mentioned a few of the site statistics and hinted that the page views for the month of May would break all previous records, but even i was surprised how much traffic we eventually received.

When i was writing the article, i did consider putting an estimate in for how many page views the site would get during May. The  figure i came up with was around 4300, an educated guess based on the visitor statistics data that the website was showing. The actual figure turned out to be 5471 which is roughly a 38%  increase from the previous record of 3956. The website proved to be far busier than i thought.

The key driving factor in gaining these high page views was the first car boot sale on the Sports field, aided by the fine weather and the cancellation of the car boot sale at Pickering. All those elements came together to boost the visitors to the website.

So can we beat that 5471 page view record? It’ll be tough, but i think it is possible given the right situation. Maybe next year’s May Day bank holiday weekend?


Photo of the Month: May 2013


Sheep Walk, Slingsby – May 2013 | Photo by Keith Buck

This month’s photo comes from none other than the Triangle’s  very own Keith Buck and shows the potato rows in a field at the top of the Sheep Walk, looking south towards Castle Howard.

Do you have a great photograph you’d like to share with us?

If you’d like to submit an image for the photo of the month slot, you can send it to [email protected]

More details about how to submit photographs can be found HERE

Farming in Slingsby Audio


Time for another audio recording release previewed at last night’s local history group meeting. The subject matter was farming in Slingsby.

The recording has now been added to the website for everyone to have a listen. The audio is the first 25 minutes from the very first recording session back in March 2012.

A longer 45 minute edit of this recording will include the discussion that took place after the introductions heard here.

If you know of anyone who would like to listen to the recording who doesn’t have access to the internet, we would actively encourage people to download the audio mp3 file and burn it onto a CD.