Category: News

Photo of the Month: Slingsby 1980


Aerial view of Slingsby in 1980 | Photographer unknown

This photograph was posted on the village Facebook page a couple of weeks ago, but it’s such a fascinating photograph i thought I’d post it here too.

This is Slingsby in 1980 which isn’t really that long ago, but if you know the village quite well,  you’ll be able to spot a few of the  changes to the village.

Fryton can be seen in the top right hand corner. Click on the photograph to get a bigger version and see what’s changed over the last three decades.

Do you have a great photograph you’d like to share with us?

If you’d like to submit an image for the photo of the month slot, you can send it to [email protected]

More details about how to submit photographs can be found HERE

Car Boot Sale: Sunday 30th June

car boot sale

A reminder that a car boot sale will be taking place next Sunday (June 30th) on the sports field in Slingsby,  from 7 am to 2 pm (weather permitting, of course).

N.B. For general car boot queries, please ring the Sports Club on 01653 627124 (Friday 8.30 pm – 10.30 pm, Saturday 8.30 pm – 11.30 pm and Sunday 8.30 pm – 10.30 pm).

For  information about the car boot sale dates for this year, go to the sportsfield page.

Pub Of The Week: The Grapes Inn


Pub Of The Week: The Grapes Inn, Slingsby. Yes,  Slingsby’s very own pub got a very complimentary ‘pub of the week’ review in The Yorkshire Post over the weekend.

‘You know when you walk into a place and every sense screams that you’ve stumbled across a classic in the making? Well that’s the Grapes Inn, Slingsby.’

To check out the rest of the great review on the Yorkshire Post website click HERE.

Have you lost a black cat?

A stray black female cat is seen regularly at an address in the Green Crescent, Slingsby. She may be (or may have been) pregnant. She comes to the back yard for food and is very hungry. Hisses a lot while meowing and gets a bit shirty. Stewart Burdon has taken pity on her and is keen to reunite her with her owner. If you are, or think you know, the owner, please contact Stewart by email: [email protected]

[In tests, 9 out of 10 cats, who expressed an opinion, preferred the Slingsby Village website].

John Hicks, Landlord of the Howard Arms Slingsby

john hicks - photograph

Gazing out at us from a century and a half ago is John Hicks, who was a farmer and the landlord of the Howard Arms, an inn in Slingsby situated on the top road (running between Malton and Hovingham). He died in 1866 at the age of 87.

Our thanks go to Robert Hicks, who sent the website this message, along with the two images here:

I live in Malton and I called in recently to the churchyard to view the gravestone of my Great Great Great Grandfather and I spoke to a very helpful young lady who was jogging past and she asked if she could help.

I had a brief chat and told her about my ancester who was landlord of The [Howard] Arms on the top main road.

She told me about the website and the interest in local history so I thought I would send a picture of this card. I also have a photograph of him which I will send to you…. This must have been quite early photograph technology.”

The Howard Arms was mentioned by the Reverend William Walker in his description of Slingsby in 1845.

The photo of John Hicks must be the oldest known photo of any resident of Slingsby. Or… perhaps you know better? If you have any interesting old photos you wish to share, please contact the website team at [email protected]

John Hicks - Card