Category: News

Planning Ahead for May Day 2023

The Maypolers committee has started to make plans for this year’s May Day which will be on Monday 1st May, and are working closely with FOSS and the Sports and Social Club to make this a Community Day.
If you would like to lend a hand either on the committee itself or on the day then all offers are most welcomed. The committee works along side FOSS and their Scarecrow trail to organise the whole day, ensuring it runs smoothly including sorting the stalls and performers. If you have good organisational skills or feel you have other skills to offer and would like to come on board then please contact the Maypolers on [email protected].

On a more general note, help is always needed on the day to help setup and take down gazebos and stalls so again please get in touch if you can help. FOSS have kindly agreed to take over the running of the refreshments on the Monday as well as during the Scarecrow trail weekend and would really appreciate any offers of cakes, sandwiches etc that you could bring on the day to boost their supplies. You can contact
Kathryn on [email protected]

Would you like to have a stall?
Although we have a range of regular stalls at the May Day event we would welcome other clubs or individuals that would like to run one. Stalls are usually run in aid of a local good cause or club or could be a local craft or artisan stall. We request no ‘trade’ stalls though as his is a local community event. Contact us on the above Maypolers email if you are interested or would like to find out more. May Day is the weekend before the Coronation weekend and celebrations so, why not get your decorations out a week early and brighten up the Village for May Day as well.

Hovingham Jumble Sale

There will be a ‘good old fashioned’ Jumble Sale in Hovingham for the first time in several years on Saturday (21st January). Proceeds will go to the Hovingham Playground and All Saints Church Hovingham. Details can be found below:

Give and Take Event

Details below for the Give and Take Event which is taking place in The Village Hall on Sunday morning, 5th February.

This will be running alongside the Bacon Butty morning so you can have breakfast before/after you browse!

Final chance to make your voice heard on Police and Fire Funding

North Yorkshire’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Zoë Metcalfe, is asking how much you think should be invested in local policing and fire and rescue services from your council tax bills from April this year.

One of Zoë’s roles, required by law, is to set the police and fire precepts – the amounts dedicated to policing and fire and rescue services in North Yorkshire and York from every household.

As part of her commitment to ensure everyone has the chance to have their say before the amounts are decided, she wants to know your views as part of a consultation. She will then make her proposals to the Police, Fire and Crime Panel in February.

The survey closes at midnight on Monday 16 January 2023, and can be completed at:

Alternatively the brief questionnaire can be downloaded here, printed and posted to the FREEPOST address on the form.

Details on the consultation and the proposals to be commented on can be found at

Sports club open day – Sunday 8th January – Improvements to the club facilities

Sunday 8 January, 1pm to 4pm, Slingsby Sports Club.

Please come to an open day to view the plans to develop and improve the club facilities. Find out more and share your views.

The availability of Grant funding from Ryedale District Council provides a really valuable opportunity.

The Sports Club has developed a proposal in 5 parts:

  • Part 1. An extension to the club to create disability friendly facilities and appropriate changing facilities to make sport accessible for all
  • Part 2. Improvements to sporting facilities and coaching resources (including cricket practice nets and an artificial cricket wicket that can be used at all times)
  • Part 3. Improvement to the club catering facilities for social events
  • Part 4. Improved outdoor seating for families and disabled visitors (including wheel chair accessible picnic tables)
  • Part 5. A renewable energy system to reduce the impact of the club on the environment.

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