Category: News

Shoebox appeal 2013


Yes it is that time of year again!  We are organising a collection of shoeboxes full of appropriate gifts in Slingsby.
Leaflets giving full details are available at Adventure Club, Methodist Church, Parish Church, Slingsby School and Tony’s Farm Shop.
The shoebox thanksgiving service is at Slingsby Methodist Church on Sunday 3rd November at 10-30am and will be led by Rachel Prest.
For more information contact Rachel Prest on 628277.

Pudding time in Slingsby

Friday 18th October, 7pm, Slingsby Village Hall
Yes, ‘It’s Pudding Time Again’.
Why not come along to Slingsby Village Hall at 7pm on Friday 18th October and taste 6 different deserts as well as a cookery demonstration.
Contact Trudy on 628302 or Janet on 628625 for tickets (£6 including tea or coffee).
Don’t leave it too late for your tickets. Proceeds for Hall funds.

Slingsby Apple Feast

Saturday 28th September , 2pm-4pm, the Slingsby Village Hall


Apple cream teas, cakes and pies. Entry £3 to include cream tea. Raffle. Contributions of cakes, apple-related produce and raffle prizes welcome from 1pm on the day, please.

Proceeds in aid of All Saints’ Church.

Ceilidh in Amotherby

Saturday 21st September, 7.30pm, Amotherby Parish Hall

A Ceilidh will take place on Saturday 21st September at the Parish Hall, Amotherby in aid of the car park tarmac fund. 

Doors open at 6-45 pm for a start at 7-30 pm. Bring & share food, bar.

Tickets (£5 adults, £2.50 under 16s) are available in advance from Andy Holmes 01653 695220 or email  [email protected]  There may be limited availability on the door.