Category: News

Village Hall Bakers offer reprieve

As residents will know, those nice Village Hall people have been offering to make Christmas easy for you again this year. If you received a printed order form, you may have spotted that orders were to be returned by Sat 23 Nov. You missed it? Don’t despair. We have it on good authority that the benevolent bakers are still taking orders (up to 6 December latest) for the following home baked produce to be delivered to your home.

But don’t delay. Don’t be half-baked! Get your order in now! 

Provisional delivery time: Sat 14 Dec 8.30 – 10am.

Queries to Trudy: 01653 628302 or Janet: 01653 628625

1lb Spice Loaf £2.60……………………………………………………………..

1lb Date &Walnut loaf £2.60 …………………………………………..         

1lb Christmas Pudding £2.40 ……………………………………………..

Ginger loaf  £2.50……………………………………………………………..

6 x Mince Pies £1.70…………………………………………………………….

Filled Chocolate Cake 7’’ £3.10……………………………………………

Beetroot Chutney  £2.40 ……………………………………………………..

 Apple Chutney £2.40……………………………………………………………

 Apple and Date Chutney £2.40 …………………………………………..


Parish Council notices

Slingsby, South Holme and Fryton Parish Council has issued the following notices:

Invitation to tender for use of the Parish Field  – applications by noon 6 December.

Job vacancy – Clerk to Parish Council – applications by 5 January 2014.

Invitation to quote for grass cutting.


More Feathery Friends

David Thornley has sent in some more great bird photographs taken over the summer with an automatically triggered camera mounted near his bird feeder – very similar to the triggered cameras sometimes used by wildlife photographers and film-makers.

I think you’ll agree that the results are pretty impressive.









Esther Dennis – Obituary

Esther Dennis died at her home in Slingsby on Saturday November 16th at the age of 86. 

Esther lived in Slingsby for 25 years after living at Burythorpe and running a small farm producing poultry and pigs.  This was how she made her living and how she supported her 4 children, Rachel, Paul, Ruth & Stephen, following the death of her husband David, a local auctioneer, at an early age.
Esther had a strong Christian faith, was a lifelong Methodist and a Local Preacher for 65 years and was very active until only a few months ago.  She helped to run the Womens Fellowship in Slingsby and was a member of the Yorkshire Countrywomens Association.  She also helped to deliver “meals on wheels” in Malton & Norton for over 30 years.  Esther was highly respected over a wide area and was a person who many people turned to for help and advice. Esther got on well with people of all ages and took great pleasure in being with her grandchildren and great grandchildren and only recently was helping to feed her twin great granddaughters, Grace & Chloe.  She will be greatly missed.

The funeral service will be on Thursday 28th November at Saville Street Methodist Church Malton at 1pm.

Sent by Stephen Prest

The Website and Triangle team offer their condolences to Rachel and the family.

The Grapes Inn finalists in Yorkshire Life Award


The Yorkshire Life Food and Drink Awards 2013 took place last month  and Slingsby’s the Grapes Inn were there, highly commended in the category of Pub of the Year. A fantastic achievement!

I’m sure all of the village will join with the website in offering a hearty congratulations to Catharine, Leigh and all the Grapes staff.

Check out the Grapes Inn website for more details.