Category: News

News from Slingsby Methodist Church

 Methodist Chapel

Here’s a roundup from Stephen Prest of the latest news, together with some dates for your diary.


CAROL SINGING: The evening of carol singing at The Grapes Inn was a great success once again.  In fact there were more people there than ever, the pub was packed to the door with everyone having a great time.  Mike Smith & Geoff Bishop led the evening with music by Audrey Foster and Karen Bishop.  Thanks to The Grapes Inn for the mince pies and mulled wine. Before going to The Grapes we went carol singing round The Green, Green Crescent and Railway Street. We have already booked the next one on Tuesday 16th December.  Put it in your diaries NOW!

The Carol Service was organised by Louise Hayes and Audrey Foster and was a more contemporary look at the Christmas story.  The carol singing went very well led by The Music group and Liz Marshall on the organ.  It was a great celebration of Christmas enjoyed by a good congregation, afterwards we all enjoyed spiced apple juice and mince pies.


Malton & Norton Lions continue to bring fish & chips into the village on the second Tuesday of the month.  Numbers requesting them continue to grow and everyone seems very pleased with how good they are.  The cost of £2-50 for fish, chips & peas is excellent value.  Contact Stephen Prest on 01653-628277 if you want to be included.

For the December delivery we gave people the option to have the fish & chips together in the Methodist Schoolroom and several people did this and we had a a lovely time together.  Trudy & Susan Carr helped with this and also provided puddings.  After we had eaten we had some carol singing led by Alwyn and Doreen Jeffels.  Thanks to all who helped.

Little Adventurers, Adventure Club and YAZ  (Youth Adventure Zone), The Womens Fellowship and Wednesday fellowship Group all continue to meet and we offer a warm invitation to all to join us.  Details in the Dec 2013 issue of your Triangle newsletter. Note The Womens Fellowship Group now meets at Freda Wares’s home. Contact Freda for more information.


Adventure Club caters for children aged 4 – 11 years of age.  This is a special year because it will have been running for 40 years this spring.  Its purpose is to teach our children the Christian Faith and give guidance in how we should live and relate to each other and to God.  This is done through Bible stories, singing, drama and teaching.  It is also a time for fun and games and creating new friendships. It is expertly led by Louise Hayes, Rachel Prest and Becky Ward .  All children are welcome.


Every so often we organise a group Sunday Lunch either at The Chapel or elsewhere which is particularly good for those who live alone and we all enjoy a good meal and a chat together.  The next one will be at The Grapes Inn at Slingsby on Sunday 16th March.  If you would like to join us contact Stephen Prest on 01653-628277.

Diary Dates

11th February  Fish & Chips by Malton & Norton Lions  (Contact Stephen Prest 628277)

11th March      Fish & Chips as above.

20th April   Easter Day Celebrations begin with Easter Breakfast at 9am followed by a service celebration Christ’s resurrection at 10-30am

Advance  Notice.

Tuesday 16th December  Carol Singing at The Grapes Inn, Slingsby.

Sent by Stephen Prest

Photo of the Month: January 2014


The railway line between Fryton and Hovingham taken last year | Photograph by John Hayhurst

This great snowy photo by John Hayhurst shows part of the old line between Fryton and Hovingham when we had snow at the start of last year. It’s a great place for a walk and to take some photographs. Another photo of the old line, shot not far from where this photograph was taken, can be found on the village Facebook page HERE

Many thanks John for sending in this great winter picture.

Do you have a great photograph you’d like to share with us?

If you’d like to submit an image for the photo of the month slot, you can send it to [email protected]

More details about how to submit photographs can be found HERE

The Yorkshire Wolds Cycle Challenge

The Yorkshire Wolds Cycle Challenge Poster

Love Cycling? Like raising money for worthy causes? Then the Yorkshire Wolds Cycle Challenge may be of interest.

Taking place over the weekend of the 12th and 13th of July, the challenge is to cycle 146 miles in 2 days on the relatively new and fully signed “Yorkshire Wolds Cycle Route”, a fantastic circular route developed and launched by Sustrans in 2011 and now part of the British Cycle Network. The route starts and finishes at the same place – Norton College.

For more details and to register go to the Yorkshire Wolds Cycle Challenge website at

Happy New Year


Wherever in the world you may view the website, the Slingsby website and newsletter team would like to wish everyone a happy, prosperous and peaceful New Year.

Photo of the Month: December 2013


Castle Howard Mausoleum and a signpost | Photo by David Thornley

The weather over the Christmas holidays was rather rough in Slingsby, to say the least, and it looks as though the New Year could have some more in store.

Thankfully the final photo of the month for 2013 offers some calm before the storm with a super photo by David Thornley of the Mausoleum at Castle Howard with a rather battered, weather worn sign in the foreground pointing the way forward. Many thanks David.

Do you have a great photograph you’d like to share with us?

If you’d like to submit an image for the photo of the month slot, you can send it to [email protected]

More details about how to submit photographs can be found HERE