Category: News

Parish Survey Update

The initial outline results of the Parish Survey were presented at the Parish Council meeting on the 30th January.  For those who weren’t able to attend, the slides may be viewed below or can be downloaded HERE.

The full parish survey report is being checked by the parish council members and will be published here soon, so watch this space!


Eco-quiz at the Sports Club 3 Feb

Friday 3 February 2023, 8pm, Slingsby Sports Club

There will be an environmental take-over of the regular quiz. Will this move be sustainable? Find out on Friday evening!

Slingsby Parish Council Meeting, with Parish Survey Results 30 Jan

Monday 30th January 2023, 7pm, Slingsby Village Hall

This meeting will include a presentation on the results of the Parish Survey.

Among other items of particular interest on the agenda: Parish Charter consultation, Ryedale Plan consultation, Improvements to Sports and Social Club and a Fryton flooding update.

As always, residents are encouraged to attend.

The full agenda can be found on our website HERE

Casting Call for Jekyll and Hyde at Helmsley Arts Centre!

The 1812 Theatre Company are staging their first ever musical in July 2023 -‘Jekyll and Hyde – The Musical’ at Helmsley Arts Centre. It’s a wonderful contemporary musical with stunning principal parts and lots to do for the chorus and dancers. Auditions for the principal parts and dancers are on Sunday, February 19th at 12 noon at Helmsley Arts Centre. There are no auditions required for the chorus. Everyone 14 years old and over will be made very welcome!

Contact Julie at [email protected]