Category: News

Slingsby Sports and Social Club – Slingsby Sport for All Project (and 24 hour darts marathon!)

Slingsby Sports Field has been a centre of community activities since at least the 1920’s and over the years the facilities have been improved to meet the changing needs of our community.  The Sports and Social Club is used extensively by many members of the community, including being the sportsfield for children attending Slingsby School.  However, the current facilities, which were built in the 1980’s and have served the community well, are in need of significant development.

The vision is to transform the facilities available to all parts of our community, including people of all ages and backgrounds who use the club for either sports, play or socially, especially those who may have mobility issues.

The project will achieve this in 5 areas.

  • Activity 1 – Extension to the Sports Club to improve access for people with disabilities and improving the changing rooms and shower facilities
  • Activity 2 – Improvement to sporting facilities and coaching resources
  • Activity 3 – Improvement to catering facilities
  • Activity 4 – Improved outdoor seating for families and disabled visitors
  • Activity 5 – Environmentally sustainable renewable energy system

In order to raise money for this project The Sports and Social Club are running a wide range of fundraising activities, including:

  • A 24 hour darts marathon running from 9am on Saturday 11th March to 9am on Sunday 12th March which they are hoping will set the world record for the most points scored by a team in 24 hours on a Yorkshire (doubles) dart board.  If anybody would like to take part, either as a player, helper or supporter they would be more than welcome.  Just get in touch with Paul Hogarth to find out more by emailing [email protected] or phoning 01653 628219.
  • A Crowdfunding page that has a wide range of rewards available for people making donations, including some one off opportunities including a guided tour of the church with a view from the tower.  The link to the crowdfunding page is
  • A range of business sponsorship opportunities ranging from £50 to £500.  Excellent opportunities for businesses to support an fantastic cause whilst increasing the profile of their business.  Just get in touch with Paul Hogarth to find out more by emailing [email protected] or phoning 01653 628219.

For more information about the project visit the crowdfunding page or watch a video on YouTube at

Hovingham Repair Café 11 March 2023 a.m.

Hovingham Village Hall, Saturday 11 March 2023, 10 to 12 noon.

The quarterly Repair Café and Community Hub returns. A couple of the fab fixers live in Slingsby.

There will additionally be a pop-up energy advice centre.

Slingsby’s Scarecrow Trail and May Day

The Scarecrow weekend and Slingsby May Day celebrations will be taking place over the weekend of 29th April to 1st May. Friends of Slingsby School (FOSS) warmly welcome entries for the scarecrow trail. There is no set theme, we just ask for a fun, child-friendly entry that families will be able to guess using a clue from the trail. Entries are £2. Please submit the name of your chosen scarecrow along with a clue by Friday the 31st March. To enter or for more information please email [email protected].

The pop-up cafe will be open in the Methodist Chapel across the whole weekend 10am – 4pm, offering refreshments and a selection of children’s pre-loved clothes, toys, books and Slingsby school uniform.  

This year Friends of Slingsby School will be taking on the running of the cafe in the Methodist Chapel on the Monday and we are seeking volunteers and baked items to help us on the day, if you are able to help please email [email protected] for more information.

Parish Council Response to the Key Decisions Consultation – Ryedale Plan

Following on from the recent website article outlining the process for having your say on the Key Decisions Consultation – Ryedale Plan, the Parish Council have submitted their own response. This was in the form of a letter rather than the online form. A number of parish residents have asked to see the letter, so it is available here for reference.


If you cannot see the 3-page letter above, the letter may be downloaded here:

We would still encourage residents to put in their own individual responses.

Research Participant Wanted

Victoria Wells writes:

I am looking for somebody who would like to take part in some research I am doing about pub visiting behaviour.  The person needs to be over the age of 60, not in receipt of out of work benefits, must not have an alcohol problem and would describe themselves as a regular pub visitor (preferably visiting pubs each week but up to once a month).  

The research involves a short one page questionnaire, a q-sort exercise (essentially a structured card sorting exercise) and a short (approx 10min) interview.  All together the research takes about 45minutes.

If you would be interested in taking part or would like to know more please get in contact with me on [email protected]