Category: News

Duck Race Change of Venue!

The annual Duck Race (tomorrow 15th July) has had to change venue because of the weather. It will now be held in the village hall.

Swifts Awareness Event, Helmsley 8 July

Jonathan Pomroy presents this event at NGalleries in Helmsley on July 8th, 2023 for Swift Awareness Week.

Jonathan Pomroy has worked to record details of the Swift populations and habits in our area for many years. Which has in turn helped to support and protect swifts in North Yorkshire and why we are linking with a charity to help with their work to protect and rehab swifts

Swifts are in decline sadly and this is an opportunity to find out more of these beautiful birds or what to do if you found one on the ground! NGalleries is organising the following event to promote awareness.

Exhibition watercolour paintings by Jonathan Pomroy.

Guided walk led by Jonathan duration 45 mins to enjoy watching swifts around the town,

Demonstration sketching when we return materials provided.

Helmsley may have a healthy population but the reality is that swift populations have declined by 58% in the last 25 years. Along with house martins they were added to the Birds of Conservation Concern Red List in 2021. By installing nest boxes Helmsley Swifts are securing nest sites for many pairs of swifts, but crucially they are also surveying the town for existing nest sites. The organisation wants to educate people how to spot a swift nest site – if for example a roof needs refurbishing we can advise on preserving that site or providing alternative nesting opportunities.

NGalleries offers a fine viewpoint to watch swifts and house martins above Helmsley. For more information, contact:

NGalleries, 7 Barkers Yard, Helmsley, YO62 5DR
Tel: 01439 772 010 & 07900 998242.

Malton Museum – July Events 2023

As well as the Malton Roman Festival, Malton Museum has several exhibitions, talks and tours going on this summer:

Malton Roman Festival

This is the main event of the summer, following up on the success of last year’s inaugural event.  Taking place at Orchard Fields on Sunday 23rd July (10:30 to 15:30), there will be an action-packed day of live-action demonstrations and living history displays that we hope will appeal to adults and children alike. This is a perfect time to point out that there is an early-bird discount on tickets for adults and family groups purchased prior to 1st July.  See the museum’s website for more details and to book tickets.

Summer Lectures

The third lecture of the 2023 Summer Lecture Series takes place on Thursday 6th July (7pm).  ‘Through Fire and Flames: The History of Malton’s Fire Brigade’, by on-call firefighter Ian Orledge.  Please see the attached poster for all the details.  Currently the museum also has a special exhibition of items from Ian’s collection on display, giving fascinating insights into an important part of our local history.

Town Tours

During the Summer months most of the town tours take place during the evening, when we can enjoy a very different view of the town while it is quieter.  There are 2 tours arranged for July:

River, Road and Railway” follows the story of Malton’s trade and transport systems through several centuries.  This takes place on Wednesday 12th July at 7pm.  Cost is £8 per person.

Horses in Malton” is a new tour exploring Malton’s strong connection with horses from before Roman Times right through to the town’s prime importance as a centre of horse racing today.  This takes place on Tuesday 25th July at 7pm.  Cost is £8 per person.

Bookings for all events can be made on the museum website.

Ryedale Festival bring Dudok Quartet to Slingsby, 22 July

The Ryedale Festival presents the fabulous Dudok Quartet. With infectious energy and consoling melodies, they perform two of Tchaikovsky’s wonderful string quartets. The group are joined by Siân Dicker to perform luminous music by Lili Boulanger, one of the most exciting composers of the early 20th century, until her death at the age of just 24.

At All Saints’ Church in Slingsby on Saturday 22 July, the Dudok Quartet bring to a close their complete cycle of Tchaikovsky’s music for string quartet, which starts in Hovingham on 19 July and continues at Birdsall House on 20 July. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to hear music from the most melodic and emotional of composers! 

Coffee (in Village Hall) from 9.45am, pre-concert talk at 10am, concert at 11am.

Tickets available online: at: