Category: News

Two new multi-use bins around Slingsby

In an effort to combat littering and dog fouling, two new multi-use litter/dog poo bins have been made available by the Parish Council. Requested by Cllr Bairstow and a local resident and installed by Cllr Bairstow, they are situated at the bottom of the Long Balk and at the junction of Green Dyke Lane/Long Lane. 


Chrysa Apps, Treasurer to All Saints’ Slingsby, writes:

“We are delighted and very grateful to announce that Paul and Rachel Hogarth are very generously doing a sponsored parachute jump in aid of funds for our lovely church. This is to take place at Bridlington Airfield on Saturday 19th August.
All Saints has become a loved community resource for the village and not just a place for worship. The recent music and wine in the churchyard in June was a great success attended by over 50 people of all ages.
We are asking that you consider sponsoring Paul and Rachel. This can be done by a donation to me at Orchard Cottage, Railway Street or the donations box at the back of the church (if you can gift aid this I can supply an envelop or collect one from the church) or by using the Just Giving web site – a link will be available soon”.

The Just Giving link will be published here on the village website once we have it.

Here it is! [added 26 Aug 2023]