Category: News

The 50th Annual Produce Show – Last date for entries – CORRECTION

The last date for entries to the show is in fact THURSDAY 14 September (in our earlier post, we got the date right, but the day wrong). Apologies for any confusion.

Full details can be found in the printed programme, which was delivered to residents recently.

Any queries please to 01653 628302.

The 50th Annual Produce Show!

This year will mark the 50th Produce Show in the village, and will take place on the 16th September. The deadline for all entry forms is THURSDAY 14th September.

FOSS seeks person to audit accounts

Friends of Slingsby School are in urgent need of someone who is qualified to audit our end of year financial accounts. If anyone knows of or is an accountant or bookkeeper, and would be happy to complete our end of year audit with little or no fee, please contact Sonja at  [email protected] 

The deadline for our financial reporting is mid October in time for our AGM.

Ryevitalise Open Studios Exhibition, Hovingham Hall, 9/10 and 16/17 September

9/10 and 16/17 September 2023, 10am to 3pm, Hovingham Hall

The Ryevitalise Partnership, the Howardian Hills AONB and Nunnington Hall National Trust present the Cause and Effect Exhibition, showcasing the works of artists Paula Hickey and John Arnison, as part of the Ryedale Open Studios 2023 weekends.

The exhibition is kindly hosted by the Sir William and Lady Worsley in the unique Hovingham Hall Riding School and stables.