Category: News

Ryedale School -Transport sharing

If you have a Ryedale school pupil in the family, you may be interested in this message we have received from Kathy Boothman:

My daughter and I are moving to Slingsby in the coming weeks. My
daughter goes to Ryedale school and I wonder if anyone in the village would
share lifts /taxis… I work shifts so stuck some mornings to get her to school
and some pick ups. Any help or information would be greatly appreciated. I am
happy to take a car load on my non work days!!!

I hope you are able to help or pass the info on to someone who may be
able to. I have hit a brick wall with North Yorkshire Council.

You can phone Kathy on 07976 965183. Alternatively, email us at [email protected] if you can help.

No Mobile Library tomorrow 20 Oct

There will be no library service in Slingsby tomorrow as the bus is in for service. The next date they will be in the village is the 17th November 2023.

Community Litter Pick and Cafe, 22 October

Sunday 22 October, around Slingsby and in the Sports Club.

Join the Slingsby Parish Environmental Group and friends for a community litter pick followed by cafe, chat and craft at the Sports Club.

Meet at 11am on the Green and/or from 1pm (to 3pm) in the Sports Club.