Category: Event

Parish Council Extraordinary Planning Meeting 20 Feb

An Extraordinary Planning Meeting of the Parish Council is due to be held on Tuesday 20th February, 7pm at Slingsby Village Hall. 

The meeting is to consider an application for planning permission referred to the Parish Council by North Yorkshire Council, namely APPLICATION NO: 23/00348/MFUL for the erection of 13 houses on the smaller (eastern) field south of Aspen Way.

The applicant and agent are expected to attend.


Details of APPLICATION NO: 23/00348/MFUL here on NYC website.

Ryevitalise Open Studios Exhibition, Hovingham Hall, 9/10 and 16/17 September

9/10 and 16/17 September 2023, 10am to 3pm, Hovingham Hall

The Ryevitalise Partnership, the Howardian Hills AONB and Nunnington Hall National Trust present the Cause and Effect Exhibition, showcasing the works of artists Paula Hickey and John Arnison, as part of the Ryedale Open Studios 2023 weekends.

The exhibition is kindly hosted by the Sir William and Lady Worsley in the unique Hovingham Hall Riding School and stables.