Category: Event

Over 60 years of tree planting celebrated at Castle Howard

Castle Howard| Photo by Steve Allen

In celebration of over 60 years of tree planting, the Castle Howard Tree and Shrub Nursery is offering customers a special discount during National Tree Week, which runs until 2nd December 2018.

Castle Howard will offer customers a free tree protection set (including a tree stake, guard and tie used to protect young trees from inquisitive mammals) with any tree of 1.2 metres or over purchased during National Tree Week. Run by the Tree Council, the UK’s lead charity for trees, National Tree Week encourages everybody to plant more trees.

For the full range of available plants, please visit Orders can be placed by ringing the nursery team on 01653 648646. Please mention National Tree Week when placing your order to claim your free tree protection.

The Castle Howard Tree & Shrub Nursery is open Monday-Friday 7:30am – 4pm for pre-ordered collections.  

The traditional tree planting season runs from November to March and this is the best time to plant new trees.

Slingsby Website and Newsletter Group AGM 22nd Nov 2018

22 November 2018, 7.30pm, the Grapes Inn, Slingsby

All Triangle readers and website visitors will be welcome at our AGM. Please come along to hear about our activities,  give us your feedback on the past year and offer us your ideas for the future.

Refreshments and snacks will be provided.

Evan and Megan’s fundraiser for Ecuador

Saturday 10 November 10:00 to 12:00, Slingsby Chapel School Room, the Green

Slingsby’s Evan and Megan are fundraising for their Camps International trip to Ecuador. Please drop in at their coffee morning this Saturday, to find out what they’ll be getting up to.

There’s more info on the official Camps International website HERE.

Planning for fracking? Public talk 11 October

Thursday 11 October, 8pm, Milton Rooms, Malton

Local residents will be interested to know that there will be a free public talk about the Government’s proposals to change planning rules with a view to easing the passage of fracking in our area and beyond. The key speakers include Kevin Hollinrake MP, the Rt Hon Nick Howard, Lyndsay Burr (one of our local councillors), and a representative of the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England. We’ve just been advised that the newly appointed Government Commissioner for Shale Gas, Natascha Engel, will also join the panel. Kenelm Storey, the President of the Thirsk and Malton Conservative Party is to chair the event.

As we reported on the Slingsby Village website on 18 Sept [here], the controversial proposals are out for consultation The proposals have been welcomed by the shale gas industry. To make you views known, you must act before 25 October, when the consultation period ends.  For more background, see our earlier post HERE.

The event is free.

Hovingham Market, Sat 6 Oct

A reminder that the multi award winning Hovingham Village Market (with local food, rural crafts & community cafe) will be taking place again this Saturday (6 Oct 2018) starting at 10.30am and continuing through to 1.30pm.
More details about the market can be found on their website and why not check out their Twitter feed too.