Category: Event

Parish Council Meeting 20 Jan

Monday 20th January 2020, 7pm in Slingsby Village Hall (Committee room). 

A regular meeting of our Parish Council. As always, residents are more than welcome to attend. The full agenda is below:

The accounts to date, and the minutes of the last meeting can be found on our website on this page:

A new invitation to tender for grazing part of the Parish field has just been published on the Parish Council Notices page of our website here.

Carol Singing round Slingsby 19 Dec

Thursday 19 December 2019 6pm, Slingsby Green and 7pm the Grapes Inn

Carol singing will start outside the Chapel at 6pm, with singing on the Green, then Sycamore Close, Aspen Way and Green Crescent. Please open your curtains and look out for us. At around 7pm we will go to the Grapes for refreshments, warmth and more singing – with renewed vigour! We shall be collecting for the Slingsby children’s play area.

Christmas Bingo 14 December

Saturday 14 December, 7 for 7.15pm, Slingsby Village Hall

Eyes down 7.15pm! Proceeds go to Village Hall funds.

Christmas Decorations with Kymm Queen

Wednesday 11th December at 7pm in Slingsby Village Hall.

“Sowers and Growers” bring you Christmas Decorations with Kymm Queen of Queens Flowers. Cost £10 (to include light refreshments and ‘greenery’). All welcome.

If you wish to attend please contact Janet Clarke (tel. 628625) for a place at this popular annual session.

Kymm is on Facebook