Category: Event

NY Leaders Update on Coronavirus response – 16th June

Leaders of North Yorkshire’s response to the Coronavirus pandemic will give another regular update on the work they are doing, and answer questions from residents and businesses, in a live broadcast at 1.00pm on Tuesday 16 June.

North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Julia Mulligan will lead the live update and will be joined by:

  • Chief Constable Lisa Winward – North Yorkshire Police
  • Chief Fire Officer Andrew Brodie – North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service
  • Richard Flinton – Chief Executive of North Yorkshire County Council and Chair of the multi-agency North Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum

You are invited to watch the meeting from 1.00pm on Tuesday 16 June on YouTube  and submit questions in advance by emailing [email protected], posting on Twitter using the hashtag #NYscrutiny or commenting on Facebook. 

Not all questions will be able to be used, but they will inform the Commissioner’s questioning and the general discussion.


  • Local Resilience Forum update
  • Police – operational response update
  • Fire – operational response update

Office of the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
12 Granby Road, Harrogate, HG1 4ST
[email protected]
01423 569 562

North Yorkshire Leaders update on Coronavirus response

Leaders of North Yorkshire’s response to the Coronavirus pandemic will give an update on the work they are doing, and take questions from residents and businesses, in a live broadcast, tomorrow, Tuesday 19 May, at 1300. [Link further below]

North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Julia Mulligan will lead the live update and will be joined by: Chief Constable Lisa Winward – North Yorkshire Police and Chief Fire Officer Andrew Brodie – North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Watch LIVE on YouTube

Members of the public are invited to watch the meeting from 1.00pm on Tuesday on YouTube and submit questions in advance by emailing [email protected], posting on Twitter using the hashtag #NYScrutiny or commenting on Facebook. Not all questions will be able to be used, but they will inform the Commissioner’s questioning and the general discussion.

These updates replace the regular public accountability meetings which are an opportunity to ensure the police and fire service are performing as well as possible to keep North Yorkshire safe and feeling safe.

All are invited to find out more about the meeting and watch live at


  • Local Resilience Forum update
  • Police – operational response update
  • Fire – operational response update

Everyone must STAY ALERT to help stop the spread of coronavirus.

We can all help control the virus if we all stay alert. This means you must:

  • stay at home as much as possible
  • work from home if you can
  • limit contact with other people
  • keep your distance if you go out (2 metres apart where possible)
  • wash your hands regularly

Do not leave home if you or anyone in your household has symptoms.

From: Office of the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
[email protected]

Virtual scarecrow competition – entries by 7 May!

To carry on this annual tradition around Mayday, the Friends of Slingsby School are running the scarecrow competition on their Facebook page in this exceptional year. Just craft something with whatever comes to hand, take a photo of your creation and email your entry to [email protected].

The deadline for email entries is Thursday 7 May. The photos will then be posted on the FOSS Facebook page for people to vote by liking their favourite Scarecrow. The opportunity to vote will end on Monday 11 May with the winner being announced in the School Newsletter and on the FOSS Facebook page on Thursday 14 May.

All FOSS ask is that you ensure only the Scarecrow is shown in the photo, the name and class of the child/children to be submitted in your email, and that you 👍 Like the Friends of Slingsby School Facebook page so that you can vote.

Entries are welcome from anyone resident in Slingsby, Fryton and South Holme. However the prize will be awarded to the child/family from Slingsby School to receive the most votes. Email your entry to [email protected]  by Thurs 7th May. Good luck!


Leaders’ Update on Coronavirus Response in North Yorkshire

Tuesday 21 April, 1pm – Online!

Just in from NY Community Messaging, news of an update with QandA about the coronavirus situation:

Leaders of North Yorkshire’s response to the Coronavirus pandemic will give an update on the work they are doing, and take questions from residents and businesses, in a live broadcast tomorrow, Tuesday 21 April. 

North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Julia Mulligan will lead the live update and will be joined by: 

  • Chief Constable Lisa Winward – North Yorkshire Police
  • Chief Fire Officer Andrew Brodie – North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service

Watch live on YouTube: 

Members of the public are invited to watch the meeting from 1.00pm on Tuesday on YouTube and submit questions in advance by emailing [email protected], posting on Twitter using the hashtag #NYscrutiny or commenting on Facebook. Not all questions will be able to be used, but they will inform the Commissioner’s questioning and the general discussion. 

Julia Mulligan has decided in these uncertain times that there should be a regular update on the Coronavirus response direct to residents and businesses, and this is the third of those broadcasts. 

These updates replace the regular public accountability meetings which are an opportunity to ensure the police and fire service are performing as well as possible to keep North Yorkshire safe and feeling safe. 

All are invited to find out more about the meeting and watch live at 


  • Police – operational response update
  • Fire – operational response update
  • Police hot topic – Criminal justice
  • Fire hot topic – Nightingale hospital preparations
  • Any other business

Watch live on YouTube:

Watch live on the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner’s website:

North Yorkshire Community Messaging (NYCM) is managed by North Yorkshire Police.  The official website is which will allow you to sign into your account to change your delivery method preference or locations of interest. It also contains a FAQs section, which may assist with any queries you have.

Links and attachments:  North Yorkshire Police will only ever link you to secure web-sites we trust, we will only send you attachments where we believe it is absolutely necessary.

If you need to contact North Yorkshire Police please call 101 or in an emergency dial 999.  Alternatively please email any non urgent enquiries to: [email protected]

EVENTS CANCELLED Ryedale Festival Spring Weekend, 27-29 March

EVENTS CANCELLED (27-29 March 2020)

Three exciting events launch the 2020 Ryedale Festival. At the first, on the evening of 27 March, the full summer programme for the Ryedale Festival 2020 will be announced. Here we will find out if the Festival is to make a welcome return to Slingsby in July.

The weekend concludes with an afternoon concert with cake at Duncombe Park.

For full details of the three events, and to book, go to the Ryedale Festival website here: