Category: Event

A Slingsby Festival of Light?

Following the wonderful way in which everyone contributed to window displays and lights across the village in December, we wondered whether anyone was up for digging out the fairy lights, or doing some drawings, arranging some flowers and/or generally bringing some light to daily walks around the village?

Traditionally, the beginning of February was celebrated by the Gaelic tradition, especially in Northern Ireland and Scotland, as ‘Imbolc’ – a festival half-way between the winter solstice and spring equinox. It heralded the beginning of Spring – with lighter mornings and longer evenings, birdsong resuming and signs of new life in the buds and green shoots appearing on trees and hedgerows. In the Christian tradition, the 2nd February is celebrated as ‘Candlemas’, commemorating the presentation of Jesus at the Temple. It has always been associated with the lighting of candles and once again, signs of green shoots, such as the snowdrops now appearing in the churchyard and gardens around the village.

Could we put together a ‘Festival of Light’ for Slingsby at the beginning of February? Perhaps from 1st to 15th February?

Why not dig out the Christmas Fairy lights again (it’s a tragedy they only get used once a year!), or draw some lovely snowdrops or other early Spring flowers, or light a candle in the window, to cheer everyone up as we go on our daily walks and get through another month of lockdown? 

Church and chapel have kindly signed up to do something ‘special’ – watch out especially on the 2nd February for candles in the churchyard. We hope this might also be a sign of comfort to those we have lost in the village this year, most recently of course dear Pat.

With hope that this sparks some enthusiasm for our wonderful sense of village community …. and hope for brighter days ahead.

Kates Giles, [email protected]

The Annual Garden Birdwatch 29-31 January

RSPB – Long-tailed tits

The snow and ice has brought flocks of birds in again to our gardens and bird tables and the annual RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch is upon us again. This always takes place in the last weekend of January, which this year is 29th – 31st January.
In Slingsby, records of birds have been made on and off over the last 120 years, and these track the changes in the numbers of each species seen in and near the village over time, as agriculture and the weather patterns have changed. In recent years the Slingsby Local History Group has collected records.
If you take part in the RSPB watch or prefer to carry out your own more informal count in your garden for an hour sometime that weekend, please send us* a copy of your list to add to the Slingsby bird archive.  A simple email list will be fine. 
Please record the largest number of each species you see at any one time during the hour you are watching. 
*Then send your list of birds to [email protected]  To find out  more about the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch go to
Thank you
Margaret Mackinder

You can find a summary of Slingsby bird records on our website here: 175 years of bird-spotting around Slingsby and Fryton – The Slingsby Village Website

Parish Council Meeting 25 January 2021

Monday 25th January 2021, 7pm, via Zoom

A regular meeting of our Parish Council. Residents are most welcome to attend. Please email [email protected] to request the link.

The full agenda and accounts to date can be found below:

As always, the minutes of the last meeting can be found on this page of our website:

Festive Soupa Lunch around Slingsby

Slingsby Chapel and friends invite senior citizens and those living alone to share our festive soupa lunch. Soup, Sandwiches and a pudding delivered to your door on Wednesday 16th December between 12 noon and 12-30pm.

A Christmas Treat and it’s all free! To book your special treat contact
Rachel & Stephen Prest on 01653-628277 or
Geoff & Karen Bishop on 01653-628055

SWaNG AGM 25 Nov, 7.30pm

Wednesday 25th November 7.30pm via Zoom

Residents who read the Triangle or follow the village website are welcome to attend our online Annual General Meeting of the Slingsby Website and Newsletter Group.

We’ll be reporting on this challenging year and electing the members of our committee.

You will have the opportunity to gives us your feedback and ideas, and help us as we look forward to our second decade.

If you wish to join our AGM, which will be conducted via Zoom, please email [email protected] and I will then provide more information and the necessary link.

Jon Boots Chairman/Secretary