Category: Event

Friends of Malton Museum lecture 17 Nov

Wednesday 17 November 2021, 7.30pm, the Library, Malton School, Middlecave Road

There is a change to the original programme. Unfortunately Payson Muller is unable to be present, but we are delighted to say that two of our own Friends have offered to present their talk.  As always the venue is the Library at Malton School, Middlecave Road and the lecture begins at 7.30
Margaret Mackinder and Louise Lewis will present:

The story of horse racing in Malton and Norton 

This talk focuses on Malton and Norton’s illustrious horse racing past and the reasons why we have at least 23 training yards in and around the two towns today. Discover how some high profile owners and trainers made Malton into one of the most famous racing towns in the country in the 19th-century, creating records some of which still remain in place. Find out why Malton and Norton no longer have a racecourse, but together still remain a lively racing centre where it has been calculated that up to a third of the working population are employed directly or indirectly in racing or in racing support businesses. 

Remembering those we love and have lost: All Souls Service, Barton le Street Sunday 24th October 6.30pm

Each year the Street Benefice tries to host an All Souls Service at one of its churches to remember those we have loved and lost in the preceding 12 months – and those we remember and miss from many years ago. Last year, for obvious reasons, this service did not happen but this year it will go ahead at Barton le Street, from 6.30pm on Sunday 24th October.  

The service will use the Taize model of worship as an inspiration – a very peaceful and restful way of singing and praying in a church filled with candles. You can sit in silence or join in as you please, but worship will be led by the Benefice Music Group and should be very restful and reflective. Part of the service will be a reading out of names from each village. If you would like us to add any names of recently-lost or much-missed loved ones to the list, please just add them to the sheet at the back of All Saints’ church (open every day from 7am). 
If you would like to attend the service you will be warmly welcomed. You don’t need to be a member of church or even consider yourself religious – just come and be – with us. And as the evenings tend to draw in now, if you would like a lift or more information or to have names added to the list from afar, do contact Kate Giles at [email protected] 

“A Bunch of Dublin’s Best” at Amotherby Village Hall

Local musicians supported by Nest Egg Theatre invite you to take a trip to Old Dublin and enjoy an evening of Irish music and atmosphere. Set in The Coombe Market and The Colcannon Public House, you’ll meet a host of colourful Dublin characters and hear the story of Ireland at the turn of the century through the tale of two young lovers and the music of the time.

Saturday 13th November – Doors 7.00/Performance 7.30

Tickets £8 on the Door and can be reserved on 01653 690212