Category: Event

Slingsby Parish Council meets 21 March 2022

Monday 21 March, 7pm, Slingsby Village Hall Committee Room

This is a regular meeting of our Parish Council. Residents are welcome to attend.

The Agenda is shown below.

[If viewed on Facebook or Twitter you may need to go through to the village website.]

The minutes of the last meeting (17 Jan 2022) can be found on the village website’s Parish Council and Community page.

Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal at Hovingham Market THIS SATURDAY

With the humanitarian disaster intensifying in Ukraine, tomorrow Saturday 5 March you can support desperate Ukrainian families while supporting your local market in Hovingham.

Or you can donate to the Disasters Emergency Committee’s appeal for Ukraine online right now by following the link below.

Donate NOW to Disasters Emergency Committee Appeal

The UK Government will match donations from the public pound-for-pound up to £20 million, meaning your support will go even further.

Website and Newsletter Group AGM 2 Feb

The Annual General Meeting of the Slingsby Website and Newsletter Group will be held on Wednesday 2nd February, most probably at 7.30pm (this time to be confirmed). We expect this to be an online meeting held by Zoom, since not all our Group members are able to be in Slingsby.

Residents who read the Triangle or follow the village website are welcome to attend.

We’ll be reporting on a second rather challenging pandemic year and electing the members of our committee.

You will have the opportunity to give us your feedback and ideas, and help us as we begin to look forward to a new era with a new website team.

If you wish to join our AGM, please email [email protected] in advance and I will then provide more information and the necessary link.

Jon Boots Chairman/Secretary

Christmas Tree Festival, All Saints’ Church, Slingsby

The display of illuminated and decorated Christmas trees continues throughout the Christmas period, all thanks to a dedicated few members of the congregation.

The photo above does not do it justice. So please do feel free to come and see them lit up, all day every day. Please wear a mask. (There are masks and hand sanitiser available.) Donations gratefully received in aid of the fabric fund, for the proposed kitchen, toilet and new heating system.

Forthcoming events at All Saints’:

Christmas Eve Crib service, 4pm All Saints – probably similar to last year’s magical churchyard service, with plenty of room around the wall and a PA system to boost the sound!

First communion of Christmas, 8pm All Saints – please wear a mask (or we can provide one).