Category: Event

Chocolate evening Village Hall



With Thornton’s Chocolate Shop, York

2 Easter Eggs for £7.50 – to ice with a name or design on the night!

Chocolate fun and games

Tea, coffee, hot chocolate and refreshments available

Tickets to be purchased in advance £7.50

from The Village Shop

or Kate Giles 628739 or Ann Wilson 628567

In aid of The Slingsby Church Tower Fund

Film of Slingsby Life, All Saints Church

Local History Events in Slingsby: FILM  FOOTAGE  OF  SLINGSBY  LIFE.

Saturday 7th May, at 2.30 p.m. AND at 4 p.m, All Saints Church, Slingsby. Peter Smithson was born Slingsby, and as a teenager worked his passage to Canada to see the world, supporting his travels doing casual agricultural work. By chance, he signed on as a handyman to help with set building work on for an Oscar winning wild life film being made by Disney Studios. This started his interest in film making. On his return to Yorkshire he fulfilled his ambition to make films. He developed a reputation for filming less visible animals such as moles and bats and went on to make some major wild life films for the BBC and Survival, helped by his wife Margaret. Over the last 50 years he has also recorded scenes of life in Slingsby, and is now in the process getting the film put on DVD before it deteriorates. So far, he has put together a short film of about an hour long which will shown at two showings at All Saints Church, Slingsby on Saturday 7th May, at 2.30 p.m. AND at 4 p.m.  There is space at each showing for a maximum of 36 people. Additional viewings will be arranged if tickets are oversubscribed.

Tickets will be available for sale at Slingsby Village shop from Wednesday 20th April, priced £2 per ticket, in aid of All Saints Tower fund. Advance booking essential.

It is also aimed to mount a small exhibition about Slingsby Castle in the church over the same weekend.

The recent local history event which took place in March raised over £700 for the tower fund. Very many thanks to all those who contributed to it and supported it.

Margaret Mackinder 01653 628303

Gardeners’ Question Time, Village Hall




  • A gardeners question time panel

Roger Burnett Manager of Parks and Gardens at Scarbrough District Council

Sarah Hopps ex gardening expert on BBC Radio York

John Foxton, manager of the plant centre at Castle Howard

  • Chat to the experts over a glass of wine and savouries
  • Shop at the plant stall, produce stall, cake stall and raffle

(This is one of 2 events to celebrate the opening of the Slingsby Allotments, the next is a composting and information evening on Wednesday 6th April at the Village Hall)

(Donations of plants would be most welcome call Chrysa Apps on 628807)

(Donations of produce and cakes would be most welcome on the night)

 TICKETS £3 ON THE DOOR  in aid of The Slingsby Church Tower Fund

Art Plaque Unveiling

Tuesday, March 22nd. 2011 at 3.0 pm.  The children of Slingsby CP School invite everyone to the unveiling of the art project plaque, depicting life in Slingsby, on Tuesday, March 22nd. 2011 at 3.0 pm and then enjoy refreshments at the French cafe organised by the children. All this takes place at the school on the Green, Slingsby. Everyone is most welcome.