Category: Event

Village Hall 80th anniversary Folk evening

Come and join us to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of the Village Hall on Saturday 22nd October at 7pm until late.

Shilleleagh (Paddy Morrow) and friends will be entertaining us with Irish Folk Music.

Tickets £8.00 which includes a ‘’Good Supper” are now available from Trudy Carr 628302 or Paddy Morrow 628658

Bar / Raffle and Lucky Ticket

NB. Bring a bottle (or two!) if you wish to drink.

Wild About Wood, CH Arboretum

Sat 10 and Sun 11 Sep, 10am-5pm, the Arboretum Trust Kew at Castle Howard.

The North’s biggest woodland festival. A celebration of all things wood for all ages. For more details, see .

Slingsby Produce Show

Sat 17 Sep, 2pm, Slingsby Village Hall. Now in its 38th year, the Slingsby Produce Show is open to all residents of the Parish. Entry forms are available from the Village Shop or from Trudy. If you are unable to enter, enjoy a look round and a cup of tea with a homemade cake. Enquiries to Trudy Carr 01653 628302.