Category: Event

Church Tower Appeal Coffee Morning

Sat. 3rd March, 10.30-11.30am, Dosser’s House, The Green, Slingsby.

All Saints Church Tower Appeal Coffee Morning hosted by Buzz Tompkins at Dosser’s House. Cakes, tea and coffee, raffle. Donations of cakes to sell would be very welcome on the day.

Local History Group Meeting

Tuesday  21st February, 7 30 p.m, Village Hall Committee Room.  A regular  meeting to finalise arrangements for the Local History Weekend (17-18 March). Please bring any new photographs or information to share.

There seems to have been a fair amount of interest in the hirings idea, and we have a team of hirers . We shall see how many actually turn up to be hired! Kate and I went into the school and did a talk to drum up support.
We wondered if it would be of interest to everyone if we were to do a more adult version for the meeting next Tuesday for general interest and briefing purposes while Kate still has all the information and references to hand.  It would also be helpful for those who have kindly agreed to be hirers. We plan to do this on Tuesday – maybe about 30 minutes presentation and questions.

Future planned projects are the history of  Schooling in Slingsby and Wartime Slingsby.  Please bring any information you may already have about this as we need to start reviewing what information we have so far. Margaret Mackinder 628303.

Further info on the Local History Centre page.

Energy efficiency advice day, Amotherby

Friday 3rd Feb, from 2pm to 7-30pm, Appleton-le-Street Parish Hall at AMOTHERBY.

Energy efficiency advice on offer at an open drop-in event, with presentations at 2-30, 4-30 & 6-30pm.